Chapter 4

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Lauren's POV

So after the worlds best makeup sex ever it was safe to say me and Camila were firmly back on track and ready for this shit storm of a meeting planned to encompass a new strict regime to work flow, I say shit show because it was going to be packed full of stuck up rich boy dumb asses who think with their dicks and only have 1 brain cell in which they use to remind them to breath!

Camila flattened out her short black dress over her toned stomach before reaching forward for the files we'd be reading from in a few minutes, I set my hand over to stop her forcing her gaze up into my eyes for one last embrace

"Ready to kill some bitches?"

I spoke giggling as I lace my hands around her waist pulling her closer to my body just to feel the heat fill my veins, her palms reach up over my shoulders the touch sending goosebumps over my arms

"They're not ready... seriously I have some things I need to say"

She replied her tone strong and powerful .. I wasn't gonna lie I was so fucking exited about this meeting only because when Camila 'has something to say' I couldn't help but loose it.. her spicy attitude and sarcastic facial expression were OUT of this world sexy!

"Well make sure you say them all mami... I'll back you up whatever happens!"

"Oh I will! Now will you just kiss me already?"

Happily! I pressed my lips forward with a smile feeling a warmth in my stomach as her head tilt to the side accepting my embrace with a cheeky grin before pushing her tongue deep into my mouth, as always it felt .. amazing.. however after only a few moments of exploring each other's backs Sam's wildly loud voice echo into the room

"Latina lesbian porn is great but Latina mafia bosses in a meeting is coming up in two minutes.. move it mama's!"

Camila burst out into a fit of giggles at Sam's strange but direct order picking up the files beside her dragging me by the pinky finger to follow out of the room

"So Lauren here is your paperwork, the perplex files and some of the statements from quarterly, Camila you have the forms right?"

I reach over onto Sam's shoulder with a comforting smile, as much as I loved him being my assistant he was waaay to cautious and had to check everything over at least 5 times! My lips leant forward kissing his cheek before grabbing for the door lavishing in the silence that fell upon the room as both Camila and I set our things down

"Morning everyone"

A mutter of good mornings level out in the room as the well suited males sat staring on at us situating ourselves out front, one of which slightly too comfortable for his own good as he laugh to a gentleman beside him while Camila spoke, she grit her teeth for a moment before the laughter could be heard for a second time, as much as I wanted to step in I could already see the look in her face as she slam her pen down into the desk

"Hey shut the fuck up over there I'm talking in case you hadn't noticed!"

The man very quickly silenced himself as I smile into the palm of my hand looking up proudly at her confidence, she was so .. fucking hot when she ran her mouth and I kind of wished for him to continue just to see what she'd do...

The rest of the meeting went seemingly well as she set out her demands as well as mine but at this point it was time for her to call out some of the 'bad behaviour' noticed by people high up within the company.. things had to run smoothly in order for money to be made and for some reason a few of these ass wipes hadn't got the picture

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