Chapter 24

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Lauren sat staring blankly into her computer screen as she scroll through endless jargon emails relating to her latest deals and negations before the ping of a new incoming email caught her attention, the tip of her middle finger ran back up to the top of the page opening the email from an unknown sender

Her eyes instantly widening as she scan over the short but prominent note, her brows furrowing as she tried to figure out what it was trying to say before another loud ping echoed throughout the room, another unknown email with the same kind of statement, the girl sat back in her chair feeling rather uneasy

"Hey mama! ... uhh you ok Laur?"

Sam spoke hesitantly as he noticed the unsettled look plastered across his best friends face, it was almost as if she didn't hear him as she continued to read the constant ping of emails that had suddenly began popping up, Sam walk his body over behind Lauren's and lightly touch her shoulder causing her to jump slightly out of the leather seat

"Shit mami what is wrong with you today?"

He asked timidly before his eyes flew down to the screen, he gulped harshly feeling his palms grow sweaty and tense as he pulled away his hand

"Can you trace these emails for me?"

She spoke viciously as she slammed out from her chair, Sam simply nod with a stutter as he sat down watching the woman storm from the room her raven black hair following as it slid down the crease of her back

His eyes fixed back onto the screen before taking note of the random email addresses, After a few moments Dinah came walking effortlessly into the room with a beaming smile holding a coffee each for her and Sam

"What's good Sammy"

She spoke happily as she walked around to hand the man his coffee, her  reaction to the words on the screen a lot less subtle than Sam's

"Holy shit... did Lauren see th-"


Sam interrupted as he quickly closed the tab turning to face the lion hair woman who stood open mouthed and panicky

"Dinah... Lauren is going to blow UP!"

He spoke with an anxious tone as he nervously grabbed for his coffee taking a small sip as Dinah propped herself against the window ledge

"We can fix this surely... I mean Camila has covered for us before right?"

Sam closed his eyes tightly for a moment before clearing his throat rubbing at his thigh with his sweaty palm

"This is different.. Whoever sent these emails it wasn't Clara.. we know that for sure which means more people know! You know as well as I do if Lauren hears this from someone else ..."

"She'll loose her shit..."

Dinah finished as she pulled down the bottom of her dress gulping anxiously, Camila had managed to up her confidence enough to tell Sam and Dinah her little blackmail package but as of so far she couldn't bring herself to tell Lauren which was only now proving to be a problem

"I'm gonna trace these now and see what comes back.. at least then maybe I can stop them before they say anything else"

Dinah nod as Sam hastily grabbed for his coffee following him out of the room and down the long stretch of hall nearly missing Camila who entered Lauren's office only a few seconds later, she lent down into her bag checking over her phone before noticing a series of unknown numbered texts all reading the same as the emails sent to Lauren a few moments ago

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