Chapter 11 part 1

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Sam and Zach sit perched over Lauren's desk awaiting her arrival after waking up late alongside Camila earlier that morning, they were never late.. ever however the boys only guessed they'd had a long night given the fact they were no where to be found upon returning home

"Oh here they are.. about fucking time!"

Sam yell sarcastically as the girls strut confidently into the office keys in hands with half draped jackets over their arms, Lauren winked at Sam with a half growl as she threw down her mail across the desk

"Plug it papi!"

She struck playfully as Camila place a gentle kiss over Zach's cheek


Sam and Zach immediately share a gleaming look before shifting their excitable gaze over to the pair in front

"Didn't show up this morning... that video is on every website.. every blog.. even pictured in the tabloids.. that bitch is out!"

Zach call out joyously with a glittering glow as the girls sigh with a deep sense of accomplishment

"Thank fuck! Do you know how long it took to cover this black eye this morning.."

Camila reach around the back of her waist reassuringly

"Baby it looks good.. makes you look dangerous!"

She cackled as the elder playfully roll her eyes into the opposite direction before Sam hop from the desk pacing forwards with a slightly more serious glint

"Ok it's all good celebrating but this is only the first step right?"

He asked waiting on Lauren to answer as she rip open her daily mail

"Well now Clara has lost her inside girl she has to find another way in... whatever she's gonna do it's obviously not gonna be pretty"

"But what does she want.."

Zach asked timidly having only entered the company a mere few months ago

"My company..."

Sam fell silent at her harsh tone of voice, it was evident Lauren had lost the will to fight against her mother however the sheer family unit she had going gave her the urge to keep pushing and striking back to save her life's work..

"Well... we just need to keep our eyes open, all of our shit is safe but.. there's still one asset stoping Clara from getting her claws in..."

Camila spoke honestly forcing Lauren to nervously swallow on her breath as she look down into the half open mail

"What's that....?"

Zach ask in referral to the asset, Camila pause for a moment before looking over at her wife

"Lauren... she's the only thing left stopping Clara getting this company.."

As if been given the worst news in the world everyone froze gulping with heavy chests as they mull over the statement

"That's scary.. right? I mean she spiked her before.. what's she gonna do next?"

Camila shot back a freshly poured glass of whiskey in her hand turning away as if already knowing her next move.. she didn't.. but she was evidently become smarter and smarter by the day and these kind of things were becoming second nature...

"Well... she's gonna try and make direct contact in some form.. probably send a minion or something but either way we have to look out.."

She explain as Lauren zone out reading over the wads of pointless mail irrelevantly sent

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