Chapter 16

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Lauren snap back the lid of her makeup puckering her full lips in front of the bathroom mirror before strutting confidently out into the hall making headway's towards her office feeling slightly uneasy thanks to the conversation had in the kitchen only last night..

She hadn't spoken to any of her house mates since the incident and without even realising made it evident to everyone present she wasn't being her normal self.. even Camila had dodged her wife's kiss as she climbed into bed turning over immediately to face away leaving the woman huffing into her pillow

"Lauren! How are you? I'm so sorry about your mother.. devastating really!"

A gruff intern voice spoke holding onto a file watching on nervously as his boss sat reading a document only lifting her eyes into his direction.. a very intimidating power move she seemed to carry out expertly every time leaving the man anxiously shuffling in his spot

"Um... uhh? I .. I have this file for you.."

He spoke in a deeply timid voice leaning over to place his findings on the desk as he realised the woman wasn't intending on responding, he escape the room quickly shoving past Sam who furrowed his brows in response

"Sam can you grab me some envelops"

He ignored...

"Am I talking to myself right now? SAM!"

His eyes lift as his fingertips reach into a half open box pulling a pile of white envelops out before strutting confidently towards the woman's desk slamming them down with a deep huff indicating to Lauren he wasn't yet over their little conversation

"Ok what is your problem?"

"My problem is YOU mama!"

He spat watching on as the girl furrow her brows to lean back into her warm chair flipping the mounds of thick black hair over her shoulder before parting her red lips to speak

"Me? Fuck Sam please don't tell me you're still on that shit from last night?"

She huffed as Sam roll his eyes stepping forward to blatantly grab for her face down phone quickly stopped by her palm landing heavily overtop with a death glare so strong it could have taken down an entire army

"THAT is the shit I'm 'still' on Lauren! The entire time I have known you.. never have you been secretive about your phone!"

Lauren stood from her desk pulling open a draw throwing the phone in dramatically locking it behind her before walking over into Sam's direction forcing him backwards in stride with her still even to him intimidating stature

"Did it ever cross your mind that what I do on my phone is none of your business? Huh? Or did you think I had to share everything with you now?"

"It's my business when it effects Camila.. you know.. your WIFE! The woman who is carrying YOUR child?"

Sam spat pushing the woman backwards forcefully trying desperately to snap her out of the strange attitude she was giving off.. as much as she had denied his speculation last night this was still very strange and completely off.. he couldn't stop thinking maybe his initial thought was true..

"This has nothing to do with her either Sam? You're making this into some big fucking deal when it doesn't need to be!"

"Even Zach noticed you're being shady Lauren! If there's nothing going on just tell me what the fuck you're smiling at all the time.. what you have to step out to take secret phone calls for.. why you just LOCKED your phone in your desk!"

Sam shout with a deathly anger Lauren had for sure noticed, the reluctance to even explain herself blatant in the room as the man was obviously failing at regaining control

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