Chapter 26 part 1

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Camila's POV

I hated waking up.. not to be dramatic but I would probably kill someone if it meant I was able to stay in bed a few more hours before work especially when Lauren's body wrapped so perfectly around mine, one thing that made mornings difficult however was Lauren's 'grumpy' attitude when it came to the alarm that sound out aggressively into the room

Her body shuffle away from mine as I sat scratching at my eyes her head burying back under the pillow in attempts to ignore the fact that morning was an inevitable event, I slowly reach my hand across over onto her back scratching lightly to try and gently bring her back from her sleep but her sneaky hands pulling the blankets back over her head made the chore more difficult than it should have been

"Lauren! It's time to get up ...."

A weak groan exit her mouth followed by a grouchy high pitched 'nooo' brilliant! A few more minutes wouldn't hurt I guess... I left her cocooned in the reams of thick duvet before dragging myself into the bathroom brushing my teeth in the mirror just staring at the messy hair falling over my shoulder, I place the toothbrush back down walking across to see her body in the same position as before, it was cute... the thick black hair poking from under the blanket was all I could see as I crawl back up onto the bed pulling back the covers watching her hands immediately fly to her sleepy eyes blocking the morning light from greeting the green orbs, she lay on her stomach making all manner of grunts as I turn her body onto her back

"Camz Stop!"

She moaned huffing under her breath as I sat across her hips straddling her waist, did she just call me Camz? I'd never been called that before but I kinda liked it... her morning voice killed me, it was deep and raspy with a slight crack that sent a smile quickly drifting across my face

"You gotta wake up boss lady!"

I teased leaning my head down into her hands kissing them lightly to try and coax out even a glimmer of her face but .... she wasn't having ANY of it!


I spoke out as I lift my legs from her hips crawling slowly down her still exposed body placing a kiss just above her belly button, she didn't even realise what I was doing as she still fight to wake herself laying there almost lifeless

"I guess I'll just wake you up some other way!"

As I set myself between her unsuspecting legs my palms drift across onto her knee caps spreading them before sinking my head down instantly swiping my tongue against her clit causing her hands to fly from her face those emerald orbs finally open and gazing down shocked with slightly parted lips

"There's planet green eyes!"

I giggled before sinking my tongue back in against her centre watching her head fall back down into the pillow her breathing already speeding up as a single hand reach into my hair, I could feel her fingertips gripping hold of the back of my head just pulling me closer

"Oh my god"

Her deep raspy voice muttered as her hips pushed further against my mouth, just the sound of her moan alone killed me, who knew that the cute morning tint could be so sexy... I continued to circle my tongue sucking at the area lavishing in the sweet taste that coat my lips as my eyes just stare up at the extremely hot half lip bite she had going on

"Uhh Camila!"

She moaned in a high pitched breathy voice as I used my teeth to lightly clasp around her clit instantly returning my tongue to soothe the area undeniably driving her crazy, her throat continued to let out deep sensual mutters before reaching my spare hand up towards her entrance, pushing a single finger deep into her core causing her back to arch visibly from the sheets

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