Chapter 29

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Lauren's POV

"I couldn't give two shits honestly ... that is your team and I am NOT their baby sitter!"

Quick run down, after firing a good chunk of the floor the need for new recruits was something pretty high on my to do list, we had over 17 new guys in ready to work but sadly they only seem to be sharing one brain cell between them! Not to mention the long standing floor supervisor I had looking after them also happened to be a brick short of a house

"What do you want me to do huh? You have to at least find me someone to help manage the workload? What about Camila? She surely can take some of the slack..."

To be quite honest I hated his cocky fuck attitude, the fact was he just dislike the idea of actually moving his fat ass to do something! I crease my brow looking on at him with a short strung temper as he begged for some kind of get out of jail free card...

"I want you to do the job I fucking pay you to do! If you can't manage that I can sure as hell find someone else who can!"

His demeanour changed as his eyes float over behind him, I could see his eyes fix onto Camila as she strut past the door arm in arm with Dinah, after a moment they rolled back over into my direction and I knew exact what he was going to say

"The amount of money she gets paid to just walk around this floor!? There's no wonder people talk jauregui!"

"She's in training ... besides it seems right now that's all I'm paying you to do? I mean look.. you're stood in my office throwing a bitch fit when you should really be out their making me fucking money!"

One thing you should know about business men is that when their talk is out talked they resort to petty insults that usually stray along familiar lines of similarity, the one thing they love to do the most is degrade a woman's sexuality and ability to be an independent woman without their hand

"Listen Lauren, we all know that wife of yours is a gold digger, an orgasm is easily faked you know! The best way for her to get your money is to make you feel good about yourself if you haven't already realised!"

Stupid little bitch wouldn't know an orgasm if it hit him in the face! Those kinds of comments never hurt me, they were a daily occurrence and actually only made me feel good? Why? Because it meant everyone knew that Miss Latina stunner was mine!

"You're funny! But what you fail to realise is that faking a mouth full of cum is slightly more difficult... I think I'm good! now why don't you just run along and go play with all of the other men in suits!"

His face dropped, the smug look vanishing into thin air as my slightly vulgar statement hit home, first rule...don't try and out bitch THE bitch!

"I'll be back later!"

Was all he could say as he lift himself from the chair angrily adjusting his suit as I reluctantly smile back into his tantrum

"Oh I hope the fuckk you're not!"

His body left the room sharply avoiding Sam on the way in as he gave me that 'what did you do' look, his well dressed body float over to my desk prancing upon it like the model he thought he was before running his index finger along the edge of my computer

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