Chapter 12

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"I don't think I'll ever get over the size of this house..."

Camila spoke as she ran her fingers across the polished countertops sat in the open plan kitchen, Lauren rocked a messy ponytail on the top of her head while her bottom graced a small pair of black panties and a black rocker girl T-shirt

"It's pointless you know"

She spoke as she sipped from a bottle of water in her hand

"How do you mean?"

Lauren placed the bottle down onto the counter before wiping away a single bead of water from her lip

"There's only one of me... all of these rooms, all of these compartments... it's a lot for one person!"

Camila giggled slightly under her breath as she adjust her hair over her left shoulder

"Maybe you should adopt Sam?"

Lauren let out a huge genuine belly laugh as she held onto the counter in front of her eliciting a beaming smile from the younger who just stared on at the happy face

"I've never heard you genuinely laugh before..."

Lauren twirled the tips of her hair between her fingers falling slightly nervous as she retreat from her laughter

"Yeah well, someone's gotta laugh at your jokes right?"

She spoke in a sarcastically playful tone, Camila stood from her chair and walked to meet the elder around the other side of the counter pushing her back against the cold marble wrapping her arms around the back of her neck

"You know you could just admit you have a soft side jauregui"

She winked as the elder connect her hands to the sides of Camila's ribs running her fingertips up and down gently

"And why would I do that?"

She replied slightly defensive only eliciting Camila to press her body further into Lauren's, she pushed her nose against the girls and nudged it back and forth which much to Lauren's dislike actually made her giggle for a second time

"See! She does have a heart!"

Camila pressed before pushing her lips into Lauren's, Lauren quickly accepted the girls lips and sighed heavily against her mouth just taking in the sweet taste of her chapstick as it glide across her lower lip

Camila felt the elders body relax into hers as she began stroking the back of her neck with the tips of her fingers, it felt like the world had stopped as the only sound in the room came from the shallow breaths between them

Camila pulled away and just looked on at Lauren's hazy gaze, she had a small smile sat on her plump lips as her green orbs looked back on at the younger

"You know lauren.. your eyes are so beautiful"

Lauren blinked before subtly looking off to the side, Camila couldn't figure out the girls motion however it seemed from the outside that she didn't quite know how to take a compliment, she'd never given her one before now that she thought about it... not a real one anyway

"This is where you say thank you..."

Lauren looked back at the younger with a look of guilt as she forced a smile

"Thanks ... I'm sorry I didn't mean .."

Camila raised her finger and pushed it across the elders lips

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