Chapter 25

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Camila lay across Lauren's body only half way through the movie fast asleep, her soft breath floating across the elders chest as she just stare down at the creamy caramel skin, her finger tips delicately drawing pictures across her warm back while her mind fell deep into thought

Lauren was a thinker, any kind of event or action that took place in her life she would spend hours just going over the finer details diving into what could or couldn't have been, admittedly she was terrible at voicing those inner thoughts but at least she had an outlet

The girl reached across gently into her bag avoiding waking the sleeping girl as she pulled out the small black book filled with her brains deepest darkest thoughts, her thumb rolled gently over the top of the pen as she flipped to a clean page resting her chin down into the Youngers shoulders as she began to write leaning her hands across the Girls back

I trust her every word, hang off every sentence every second of that soft sweet voice.. I feel like that's what love is, trusting somebodies word so much so that you go and do something crazy without even questioning their judgment

I guess I feel like an asshole for not understanding that she wasn't ready to speak to me, the same way that I wasn't with her, she understood.. she listened.. I didn't, I could learn a lot from her, in fact I already have

I've learnt how to set boundaries for myself, boundaries to know that I'm worth more than what the world thinks that I should be, I've learnt how to appreciate the small things in life like a smile in passing or a wink after a risky statement, Camila taught me all of that even when unknowingly she was hurting more than ever

I hope that one day she'll feel ready to talk to me, about all of those things she's afraid of, the things that she isn't ready to tell... I never imagined I'd love somebody the way I love her and even when it scares me I can't help but feel comforted by her smile.. that goofy fucking smile

Lauren stretched out her hand as she tried to pick more words from her brain, just as the pen hit the paper Camila's body began to move, fidget, the small sleepy whimpers tumbling from her lips elicited a small high pitched giggle from the elder as she scraped back some of the fallen hair over her cheeks

"Hi baby!"

Lauren spoke in a soft whisper as Camila slowly move her forehead to press against Lauren's chest wiping at her eyes before sitting to a straddle, after a few seconds the brown orbs finally revealed themselves into the dimly lit room looking on sweetly at the woman in front

"I didn't mean to fall asleep... were you bored?"

Camila replied softly as Lauren smiled lifting the book in her hand to indicate how she had spend her time, the younger reached down tracing her fingertips across her wrist before looking back into the woman's eyes

"Can ... can I read it? .. what you wrote"

Lauren hesitate for a moment before lifting the book into Camila's hands, her sleepy eyes scanning over the roughly written excerpt smiling, after a few moments she lightly place the book down behind her slipping her hands into Lauren's breathing in deeply as she look around the room

"You're not an asshole Lauren, after my dad passed away my mom was too depressed to work, my sister was still really young and my jobs alone only just covered rent... sometimes I'd go days without dinner just so that she could eat .."

Lauren tightened her grip on the girls hands reassuringly as her bright emerald orbs gazed back into the girls honest stare

"Mami you don't need to explain yourself to me..."

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