Chapter 21

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The recent revelation of Jauregui Enterprises plan unfolding caused many a wave in terms of angst and protest, Clara still roamed the halls as she thought she deserved while Mike sheepishly hid away completing mediocre tasks in avoidance of the confrontation that was bound to arrive

"Hey mama!"

Sam spoke in a chipper advance as Camila sat atop of Lauren's desk scrolling aimlessly though her phone trying to wake up into the early morning, her brown eyes lift smiling at the man as he walked to rest his warm hands across her knees

"You're happy This morning!"

She replied admiring the mans joyful glare, he sent a friendly wink in her direction before looking behind his shoulder

"So! How does it feel to be a billionaire!"

He gasped excitedly slightly jumping onto his toes, Camila rolled her eyes playfully placing her phone down beside her as she laced her fingers between Sam's

"Stop... I don't even wanna think about it! You know what's crazy? Is that I'm married now and my mom has never even met Lauren.."

Sam lift his brow slightly before taking a deep breath wiping his thumb across his chin

"That's wild... you think she'll be ok with it?"

Camila shrug her shoulders unknowingly, Sinu had always been protective of her girls wanting them to make life choices that would benefit them in the best possible way so marrying a woman she had known for less than a few months would probably cross the line of sensible thinking

"I mean.. she's super traditional so I'm not sure, I know she'd love her tho.."

The pair share a joint smile before a pair of heels came clapping into the office, pausing briefly before clearing her throat, Sam turn his body and immediately changed his body language pulling his shoulders back as he fold his arms and raise his chin slightly

"What do you want Clara!"

The woman shot a disgruntled glare as she looked around the room observing its qualities in their entirety before walking over to a cabinet against the wall trailing her fingertips along the handle pulling it open to look inside

"I just have some things I need to collect, after the union party tomorrow I don't see any point in me hanging around"

Her voice was blunt and uninterested as she tried desperately to claim her dominance in the room, the power of intimidation was something the Jauregui's had deep routed in their blood, Sam rolled his eyes before pacing forwards slightly

"I don't think Lauren would appreciate your touching her stuff!"

Sam shot in a low manner as Camila remain sitting uncomfortably on the desk gripping to the bottom of her skirt

"She's not here is she! Shame! Its a good job she has her little minions here to fight her battles huh!"

Sam creased his brow chuffing under his breath at the ridiculous comment directed at him and the younger before walking towards the door slamming it closed out of Clara's hands

"If you want something ask her! Don't just come in here like you own this shit because me and you both know that you don't, Lauren snatched this place from you like a boomerang!"

Clara smiled smugly turning to face Sam before side eyeing Camila's nervous gaze stepping to the side to personally address her

"Oh I know! And it's all because of some pretty little girl she's screwing until she gets bored!"

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