Chapter 10

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"Hey lo.. I got that thing you asked me to get and I put it where you asked me to!"

Zach spoke sweetly as he hand over the keys he'd used to retrieve the mysterious item weirdly placed on Lauren's shopping list, the woman smiled back as she tuck the keys away neatly in the drawer beside her

"Thanks Papi you're an angel!"

She respond dragging back her thick hair from her face before settling her palms around her elbows that lent gently across the desk

"So... I know it's none of my business but... why? I mean .. kind of out of the blue?"

"Me and Camila are going away for a few weeks soon ... I don't need to say anything more than that!"

She giggled instantly giving the man the answer he didn't actually want to hear.. he adjust his suit bellow his belt before glancing around the room as if wanting to say something

"What's wrong baby?"

"Huh? Wh-

"You just look like you wanna say something?"

He gulp back nodding accepting his awkward behaviour had been detected by the elder.. shocking really considering she could read EVERYONE like an open end book...

"Um... I do but I just.. I don't know how to say it? Or well... ask it"

He muttered timidly only causing Lauren to lean back in her chair with a confused glint

"Zach whatever it is baby you know you can tell me?"

"I know! It's just finding the words you know?"

Lauren nod grabbing for the half glass of whiskey sat beside her screen holding it out in front of her for the soft man to take

"Here.. this will help!"

She giggle as he wrap his hands around the glass sipping back for some Dutch courage before placing the item back down in front of him

"Well... first part of my question was actually about Sam's family.. he never talks about them.."

Lauren sigh gulping gently as she took a deep breath

"Uh well.. Sam doesn't really .. have any.. his parents are .. were...huge company owners hence his wealthy start in the world but they moved away when he was super young and left him .. with my dad.."

The man cock his brow almost hurt he never knew something so important about his boyfriends past.. it wasn't his fault however as Sam was usually very quiet about his family life.. his parents left him alone after almost falling bankrupt.. he was the youngest of 9 siblings and fell short of being useful to their selfish desires

"Wow I feel kind of bad .."

"Don't! That guy doesn't care.. never has.. he believes family is the loyalty that surrounds him so as long as it's kept quiet.. he's good!"

She spoke reassuringly calming the man's guilt as he riled up for the next question sat waiting in the front of his mind

"Well I ... I wanted to ask you anyway.. f-for y-your"

"Zach.. Papi.. just say it ..."

"I wanted to ask you for your blessing... to marry Sam.. he's your best friend and your the closest person to him so.. I wanted it from you.."

Lauren widen her eyes as a beaming smile came crashing through like the first ray of sunshine after a winters storm, she jump from her chair running around to embrace the man in a tight squeeze that instantly sent a shard of relief flooding his anxious body

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