Chapter 3 part 2

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"Mama! Are you serious right now?"

"Mija ... come on you're 23 years old!"

Sinu spoke back as she and Camila stood talking in her kitchen about the whole Lauren situation, Camila had come over after her mother ask her to talk wanting her side of the story to best base her judgement even though she'd already spoken with Lauren around 2 hours previous

"You know she said some stuff too right?"

"Ai mija listen to me now and don't interrupt! Regardless of whether you meant to or not? You did something that resulted in her getting upset! Now as her wife you need to take responsibility and apologise! Only then can you explain yourself.. she will accept the blame for what she said!"

Camila knew her mother was right and even though Lauren's words had upset her she knew deep down she didn't mean them, she invited someone into the office knowing how much of an effect it would have on the elder and just needs to swallow her pride so that she can apologise

"Yeah I guess you're right... I just feel really bad"

"Well get yourself home and do something about it then!"

Camila nod grabbing for her coat and bag flipping back the thick locks of hair over her shoulder before kissing her mom gently across the cheek, the good thing about Sinu was that she didn't pick sides and would happily call out whoever was in the wrong regardless of her bloodline

Camila head back to the house lost in her own head as she tried to construct a meaningful apology that Lauren would listen to, she had left earlier that day so had no idea of the kind of mood she'd be returning to especially considering she wasn't in the best one herself, she was still pretty hurt at the way Lauren had spoken to her but just wanted to put it behind her

After 10 minutes of walking she finally reach the large front door of her luxurious house, her chest heaving slightly just knowing what could be behind the door... little did she know however Lauren had already beaten her to the apology..

She shift her key inside of the lock before pulling open the handle walking in to a weirdly quiet house .. no Sam no Zach? She paced forwards some more slipping her coat off from her shoulders and onto the floor alongside her bag and shoes before heading into the dimly lit kitchen that waft a smell of freshly made food

"Lauren... what is this?"

The younger spoke open mouthed as the elder stood in the middle of the kitchen in only a pair panties and a tee her hands holding onto a huge bunch of red roses laced with a sad pouty face she couldn't help but giggle at, her eyes scan over the room noticing the dinner table laid out perfectly with obviously home cooked food and two glasses of Champaign set to the side

Lauren paced forwards gently holding out the roses as the younger took them with a glistening smile from her hands admiring their beauty before placing them onto the island to look back at Lauren's extremely guilty face

"Baby I-

"No mami please.. I don't care what you did... I should never ever have spoken to you like that.. as soon as it came out of my mouth I just felt like crawling into a hole and dying.."

"Lauren it's ok..."


Lauren began as she reach forward for her wife's hands holding them gently in her own as her bottom lip began to tremble, her stomach hurting almost as she tried to express her guilty she felt, she'd spent the last few hours cooking and lightning candles just to set the mood for the apology she'd rehearsed in her head but it seemed as of now she was winging it

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