Chapter 5

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"Camila I need to talk to you NOW!"

Sam spoke as he crashed through into Camila's office red faced and almost panicking out of control, it took a lot for the man to be rendered flustered but as of right now his fast paced breath and sweaty forehead only indicated something was seriously wrong

"What's wrong? You look like you're gonna pass out right now?"

Sam gulped back his breath walking forwards with a steady rush as he place down a file on top of her desk, Camila scan her eyes over the document for only a minute before realising what was wrong

"What the-

"It's Fallon! First the pledge files and now pigmy! She's up to something mama I know it..."

Camila screw her brow up as she flip through the pages of corrupt files, half missing documents and untitled money expenses, fallon had been acting up as of lately and it was only becoming more obvious that this was more than just a lazy work ethic

"What is she doing though? I don't understand?"

"I don't know! But things are literally disappearing... Mila Lauren is going to loose her shit.."

The girl quickly stood to her feet grabbing for the phone to dial in a number unfamiliar to Sam, the man who answered at the other end a gruff sounding security leader who worked in the underground fraud protection scheme

"Thank you, appreciate it!"

She spoke before hanging up shooting a look back over to Sam that only filled him with a sense of security

"I need you to get that flash drive, the one with Lauren's backups!"

"W-wait mama... you're serious? If she notices thats gone-

"Sam can you just do it!? I'm only gonna need it for a few hours I promise.."

The man shuffle his fingers through his hair anxiously before reluctantly nodding feeling slightly uncomfortable taking something Lauren would clearly notice gone however Sam very much trusted Camila and knew she must have had some elaborate plan to stop shit going sideways

"Ok fine but you're taking the fall .."

"Yeah I'd rather that than watch this entire company disappear!"

The man nod leaving the room heading straight over to Lauren's momentarily empty office reaching under the desk to grab for the black stick tucking it neatly in his pocket before the sound of footsteps came ushering into the room

"Hey? Chris? W-what are you doing here? Lauren wi-

"It's ok! Lauren asked me to come up here.. she said she wanted to talk"

Sam breath a sigh of relief as he watch the elder follow in shortly after with a creased brow realising his slightly disgruntled facial expression

"Sam? You ok you look kinda flustered right now?"

"Yeah I'm good.. just helping Miss thing over there!"

He spoke convincingly before heading out of the room leaving Chris and Lauren alone with their own breaths, the man anxiously stand in his place while Lauren gulp back a heavy shot without even a grimace

"So... what did you wanna talk about?"

Chris voiced in a quiet tone not wanting a rematch of their fight earlier in the week

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry.. for how I spoke to you the other day.."

"Wait seriously?"

Lauren cock her brow intimidatingly forcing the man to change his tone

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