Chapter 11 part 2

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"Milaaaaa! Wake up! Miiiilaaaaa!"

Sofi whisper poking at her big sisters cheeks as she stir from the brief nap Lauren had allowed her to partake in while she take care of the small body with a million questions falling one after another

"Mmm stop!"

"Mila wake up we made food!"

She reply before Lauren giggle gently lifting the girl from the couch and back onto the floor with a gentle touch

"Mami go wash your hands please, I'll get her up!"

Lauren spoke before leaning down over her wife's body gently caressing her warm cheek until her brown orbs adjust to the dim light flooding the calm room

"That felt like literally 5 minutes what the fuck!"

She spoke playfully before shuffling into a sitting position rubbing at her tired eyes with a deep yawn escaping her lips

"Well it was like an hour 45... But dinners ready baby"

"You made food?"

That caught her attention.. she follow Lauren's arms out and onto the carpet stretching dramatically before dragging herself into the kitchen enticed by the sweet smell of fresh home cooked food already placed upon the table

"Wow.. this looks so good.. Sofi did you do this all by yourself?"

The smaller Latina joke as she took her seat Lauren had already pulled out for her smiling back as the little girl nod her head smugly

"Yeah I did! And guess what!!"


Her sister reply as she spooned some of the food into her mouth widening her eyes with a subtle wink over at Lauren indicating her tastebuds joy as they roll over the perfectly mixed herbs coating the meat

"Lauren spoke to Santa this year! And he said that because I've been super good he's gonna get me ANYTHING I want! Isn't that cool?"

She almost yell as Lauren reach down to pull her legs back into a sitting position, the excitement overwhelming her small body, Camila glanced over at Lauren with a knowing smirk as she swallow back on her food

"Oh he did? That's nice of him! I hope Santa knows what he's in for telling you that you can have anything!"

She spoke tilting her head as Lauren laugh into her fork with a raised brow, she didn't care.. she'd buy her an island if she wanted it.. she'd never felt as guilty as she did knowing the family hadn't ever had a real Christmas before and only wanted to give them everything she could..

"Yeah me and Lauren are gonna write a list for him!"

"Ok Mami eat your food!"

Lauren giggle as the girl settle into the small bowl of past in front, the elder look back over at her wife who only gaze back with a content smile, she only wished she could have heard the conversation in person

After a few hours Lauren and Camila lay side by side staring into each other's eyes just as they did every night while the younger took a spot in the room next to them fast asleep under a home brought fluffy blanket fit for a princess

"So Santa... how does it feel to be making dreams come true!"

Camila joke smiling back intently at the woman in front who had promised not only her but her little sister the world..

"I felt bad.. she told me the little lie your mom tells her every year.. she deserves gifts under the tree like every other little girl her age camz ..."

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