Chapter 14 part 1

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Today was a day, one of those hold on to your seats, buckle up and brace kind of days, the lady of the building Miss Lauren Jauregui was on a rampage and she was out to cause waves and handle her business in anyway that she felt was needed

Lauren strut heavily down the busy hall on the 104th floor her heels clapping loudly attracting the attention of everyone within at least 10ft of her presence, they just stared with parted lips as the perfectly crafted Cuban body dominated the hall wearing a tight black dress that came down just below her butt cheeks

Her scent filled the noses of all around her as she reached the end of the hall flipping her pin straight black hair over her shoulder before storming into a busy meeting, the dozens of heads shot up and sat straight in their chairs as if in the presence of royalty

"Listen up, I want every single one of your reports on my desk by 3:30, no later!"

Just as she began walking away a shuddered voice peeped out from the table

"With all due respect miss Jauregui-"

The voice wobbled as Lauren turned around to face back into the room walking to rest her hands neatly on the table

"I don't remember asking for an excuse? If you want me to pay you ... you'll get them to me!"

Lauren issued a patronising wink as she smiled walking away slamming the door behind her before heading back out into the hall and up to the top floor, her strides didn't go unnoticed by the saturation of people as the floor fell silent, Lauren walked past Jared's desk not bothering to look at him as she motioned him to follow her

He confidently followed behind and stood in front of the woman's desk awaiting her to speak, she grabbed out her lip stick and reapplied it using her computer as a mirror before standing back up to look at the man in front of her

"You sent me an email yesterday, you attached the report I asked for"

She began coldly as the man in front smiled extending his arms smugly

"I did"

Lauren rolled her eyes at his obviously stuck up look, one thing she hated was cockiness, she actually despised it and aimed to level peg anyone who tried to get on a level of smugness

"So I printed it, here, take a look"

The woman picked up a file and handed it over to the man who confusingly stared at the paper

"Is there a problem Miss Jauregui?"

Lauren laughed under her breath shrugging as she lent back against her desk

"You tell me!"

The man sift through the paper and lift his shoulders pretending not to notice what he had failed to get away with, Lauren noticed everything, there wasn't a soul who could put something past her and that was why she single handedly kept the multi billion dollar business at the top of its game

"I don't see anything wrong I'm afraid"

Lauren paced forward and snatched the document turning to the centre and pointing at the two page numbers

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