Chapter 27

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Camila's POV

"Do you think your mom's gonna like me?"

Lauren spoke as her hands drag back and forth under the hot bubbling water surrounding our bodies, the moon perfectly lighting the early evening sky as I sit between her legs looking out into the beautiful naturalistic scene at the back of her house

"She already likes you Lauren.. I talk about you all the time!"

I felt her head tilt down towards mine before lifting subtly resting her chin back on top of my head... I loved it when she did that, it felt like home, like everything else in the world just melted away, I grab her hands wrapping them around my stomach to deepen the embrace before she began speaking

"Really? What have you told her?"

A lot... more than a lot actually.. since the day is met her she was all I spoke about, even my sister would roll her eyes at the mention of her name but I didn't care, she meant the world to me and given the fact she'd never met her before I kind of wanted to sweeten the waters

"I told her how funny you are, how you protect me and look after me.. I also told her how smart you are because honestly that shit still shocks me every day!"

I felt Lauren's laugh vibrate on top of my head at the last sentence, her fingertips laced between mine as she sank back further into the tub, the feeling of the light breeze floating across my neck calming and relaxing

"You're such a dork! anyway.. shouldn't we be getting ready... they're gonna be here in like 30 minutes..."

I nod turning in the water slightly pressing my knee on the ledge between Lauren's legs leaning in to place a soft kiss on her lips before stepping my body out of the water reaching for her hand to join me, her perfectly curvaceous body lift from the water, the picture in front of me flicking a switch in my brain as the droplets of water fell down her thighs, the contours of her breasts in the moonlight mesmerising... but unfortunately I had to bury that wayyyy deep as soon my mom and sister would be here and frankly that is slightly too inappropriate given the company

"Ok Mama's ! put some damn clothes on!"

Sam yelped sassily as our bodies walked back into the house, the crisp white towel covered my mid section while Lauren simply strut in her birthday suit.. she had no shame in front of Sam.. he'd seen her naked more than once as he'd bathed her drunk body many a time... he didn't seem to care either as he threw a towel at her body eliciting a cocky half growl from her mouth

"My house bitch if you don't like it move your ass out"

She retaliated making my stomach twinge slightly, I had a thing for savage Lauren.. after all her attitude was the first thing I fell in love with.. Sam rolled his eyes playfully as he sat on the stool leaning against the island in the centre of the kitchen sipping on a self made cocktail from Lauren's fridge

"Mila get that Cuban ass dressed will you..."

I winked over in his direction as I followed Lauren up the heavy set of stairs unashamedly eyeing up her ass as it float effortlessly into her room, she turn around grabbing for my towel throwing it down on the ground behind me shocking me slightly before connecting her body with mine pulling it into a warm embrace, my heart melt as she smile into my lips laughing lightly before reaching in for a kiss

"We have literally 25 minutes now Lauren stop!"

I giggled as she continued to peck at my lips playfully, she didn't care.. she never did.. she effortlessly shift her hands under my thighs lifting me to straddle her waist before pushing my back into the wall smugly

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