Chapter 3 Part 1

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Sam's POV

SO! If you didn't know how to start your morning right it's a double shot steaming hot coffee with a half shot of Cuban whiskey.. Lauren taught me that .. I'm not an alcoho- never mind!

"Coffee mama!"

I spoke as I set down the deathly morning concoction in front of Lauren's tired body, she sat working on some contingency stuff which I won't even bother trying to explain because frankly .. I am clueless! Her green eyes shot back up to my with a significant shine I hadn't seen in days, her hand wrapping around the cup gladly as I shuffle the hair on top of my head still holding onto Camila's cup I was yet to deliver

"Thanks papi, you know reflex is open tonight you wanna go? Like all 4 of us?"

Ok... first of all YES, second of all what a dumb ass question girl seriously? I roll my eyes cocking my head to the side with an intended sassy glare

"Um DUH! Gurl you know I'm always up to go clubbing! Besides reflex has the best cocktails! Remember la mangosta?"

Lauren widen her eyes before rolling her head around into her cup taking a heavy sip as she remember the deadly cocktail from an even deadlier night out, let me just fill you in real quick, we had a works night out and came across this sticky sweet cocktail.. it was strong.. but it's effects however pretty revolutionary as it for some reason made Lauren a horny teenage boy, her need for some kind of action DESPERATE!

"No bitch! I am never touching that stuff again!"

She joked back with a serious tone, I'm sure I could do the whole sneaky sneaky tho... Camila NEEDED to see that hornball because seriously it was the funniest shit I'd ever seen! Although she was single at the time so maybe now ? Whatever I had my mind set on tricking her into another loophole of frustration!

"We'll see mama! Anyway I'm gonna go give miss Caramel thighs over there her coffee I'll be back in later!"

She smiled back as my tight ass left the room walking across the hall towards the younger Latina's office something however on the way snatching my attention like a cheap LA weave, surely not...

I followed the man for a moment before noticing his strides heading over to Camila's office, I couldn't help it, my hand instantly connect to his shoulder pulling his body back to at least acknowledge me for a second, I had to find out what he wanted and fast because Lauren DID NOT need another break down right now!

"Chris! What are you doing here!"

As attractive as he was I didn't appreciate the tight unwelcome hug he smugly pulled me into, his boyish smile revealing itself as he pulled away obviously expecting me to be excited or something? Well I'm sorry but wrong bish!

"Sam! Wow we didn't get to talk the other night? You look so good dude!"

He spoke slapping my shoulder as if a fellow jock at a soccer match, my body however is delicate like a flower, a temple of .. well coffee... he didn't answer my question but simply turned back towards the door

"I'm serious! You can't be here right now!"

"Sam! Look bro I'm here to settle my debts with Camilla! I'll speak to Lauren later!"

"It's CamILa and I'm not joking Chris that's not a good idea!"

Before I could stop his broad shoulders for a third time he crash through into Camila's office holding his hands up with a comedic intention before her deathly glare fix upon his face turning around like a sharp bolt of lightning instantly I could tell making the man feel undeniably uncomfortable, I didn't even have time to warn her before his gruff voice began to speak

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