Chapter 12

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"You look beautiful baby"

Camila spoke as Lauren exit out from the bathroom with damp hair and a fresh makeup free face, her emerald orbs wide awake and ready for the day ahead... well as ready as she could be..

"I don't feel it.."

She admit as she scrunch the bottom of her soaked hair between the towel draped over her palm, Camila shift from the bed to join her timid body in front of the mirror wrapping her arms gently over her stomach as she sigh over her shoulder

"Well you are, in every way! And you're gonna kill this awards ceremony today!"

She reassured passionately feeling relatively guilty she wasn't able to attend with her wife as someone had to stay and take care of the days meetings, Lauren didn't mind however, she'd prefer the girl wasn't there anyway considering Clara would
Be present

"I just really don't wanna go... I have a bad feeling about it.."

Camila turn the woman around swiftly pressing her gently against the night stand to fully grasp her attention

"Lauren it's going to be fine I promise! She's not going to be able to even look at you... you have security and your dad too!"

"Yeah but she just makes me anxious..."

Camila sigh reaching her hands out to cup her wife's cheeks softly leaning in for a passionate kiss the elder happily lost herself in before pulling away slightly more relaxed

"I'll be waiting for you when you come home lo... just think about that ok?"

The elder nod back gently smiling before settling down to do her makeup, her signature winged liner accompanied by a nude lip setting her up perfectly for the professional event only a few hours away

After facing up for the day ahead the girls head downstairs and into the kitchen joining the two boys already awake laughing with fresh coffee warming their palms

"Wow mama you look fucking hot.."

Sam gasp scanning his eyes over his best friends body, her tight flowing black dress that join around her neck accompanied by the thick black hair generously swooped over each shoulder with a gentle curl really did give the powerful impression she needed today

"Right? Look at those curves shit.."

Zach add sipping from his coffee before shuffling his fingertips through the curly locks upon his head

"Stop! I'm literally shaking right now!"

She admit as she was over to perch upon Sams lap wrapping her warm arm over his comforting shoulder

"Don't worry! It's gonna be fine! Besides just think you and Camila are going away soon... you can escape all this bullshit for a while!"

Sam press referring to the 4 week long vacation the girls were taking while the company turn over in a transition, it would be a perfect opportunity for them to take a step back and just enjoy each other's company, something they rarely get to do that often recently

"I know I can't wait.. and then boom Christmas!"

Lauren reply chuckling gently while Camila roll her eyes over towards Sam's gaze

"Yeah and Lauren is playing Santa this year!"

"Wait what?"

Zach giggle looking over at the younger

"Sofi told her about my moms little lie? She told her she could have anything she wants!"

Sam's eyes immediately lit up with pure excitement as he pull down Lauren's shoulder to get her attention

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