Chapter 16

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"Lauren I swear to god I heard him say it!"

"Sam for the last time NO!"

The man sheepishly rolled his eyes as he turned around to face Camila shrugging with a highly intended attitude, the younger laced her fingers around the collar of his suit playfully pulling him forward into her space

"Face it Sam you're just not gonna find a man ever you're just gonna have to get a cat!"

The man furrowed his brows sarcastically laughing as he reached into his pocket pulling out his phone

"You two are literally bullies I swear!"

"Sammy Joe I would sooner jump off of this building than let you date a guy with a husband!"

Lauren spoke sassily waving her finger in front of the mans face, the three engaged in fits of laughter before the loud clapping of a pair of heels entering the room elicited a joint silence

"Oh shit"

Sam verbalised as the elder turned on her toes to notice her worst nightmare stood confidently in the centre of her office



Camila stood nervously behind Sam as the pair engaged in a strikingly intimidating stare out, the atmosphere turned cold before the lion haired woman decided to announce her reason of intrusion

"We need to speak in private"

Lauren rolled her eyes leaning against the front of her desk sighing heavily

"Can we not?"

Dinah glanced around the room annoyed biting her tongue

"Lauren drop the act I'm not here to fight with you this is serious! Jauregui Enterprise is in trouble!"

Lauren stood slightly dropping her angry glare as her attention alerted, she quickly reached into her bag pulling out her purse handing it over to Sam before pointing to the door, Sam immediately grabbed the Youngers arm and dragged her out of the office before Lauren walked around to the back of her desk sitting herself down as Dinah did the same placing her paperwork in front of her opening the first page

"What do you mean trouble.."

The elder asked in a serious tone pouring herself a half glass of whiskey

"Somebody is trying to buy out your father shares... lawyers are crawling up the walls trying to find a way in!"

Lauren widened her eyes as she almost choked on the air surrounding her, her palms immediately sweaty as her heart rate sped up dramatically

"My fathers shares? That's 50% of the entire fucking company Dinah! Who is it?"

Dinah's face shot an obviously worried gaze, her family relied solely on the Jauregui business as their primary income, if somebody were to buy half of the company it would immediately collapse beyond return and the billions of dollars spread in assets and clientele across the world would diminish into nothing leaving both her and Lauren in a severely dangerous situation

"We don't know! But if this buyer is serious we are all fucked!"

Lauren grabbed the cold glass beside her slamming the cold liquid back down her throat before trying to gather her scattered brain

"So what do we do?"

She asked concerned shuffling in her seat as she fold her leg across her thigh

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