Chapter 14

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It had been a few months since the family Christmas had filled the household with joy and laughter, the announcement of the Jauregui pregnancy life changing not just for the family but for the business ..

Camila's small bump wasn't so small anymore as it force her into slightly baggier clothing and shorter days, the small human inside of her squirming and bolting like a true Jauregui ready to bust out and be a part of the crazy world he or she was destined to live..

"Glowing mama.. seriously!"

Sam spoke as he enter into the room fluffing his hair before inviting himself to cup the large bump behind the desk smiling as the warmth spread through his arms

"I'm so ready to be done... this is like torture I swear.. I've already peed like 15 times this morning"

"Yeah well if he or she grows up to be anything like you guys I'm not surprised it's giving you a hard time.."

He giggled stepping back to perch upon the desk as Lauren walk in behind with a playful grin

"Don't be talking shit about my child Sam or you'll be doing night feeds I swear to god!"

She joked slapping the man's arm before reaching down to peck her wife's lips with a gentle stroke of her head

"I already night feed the dog, baby is your domain!"

Sam taunt back rolling his eyes as Camila lean back in her chair with a delicate half smile evidently showing her tired sleepless nights, Lauren was already pulling her weight however waiting on her hand and foot whenever she needed.. it was cute to say the least but the small body inside of her was for sure making things difficult

"Night feed the dog? Sam seriously get a life!"

Camila joked weakly as she sip from the water Lauren subconsciously handed over to her, the three had done nothing but talk baby for weeks and it seemed as though Sam was more excited than the pair in front.. the toys.. bottles... accessories .. bought and paid for BY HIM

"Hey listen! Baby Gracie loves me! More than you two actually! Wait until that little human is born and she'll hate you guys!"

"She won't hate us! She just prefers Zach let's be honest.."

It was true.. Gracie followed Sam around like a bad smell and never failed to greet him first when it came to the homeward arrivals.. she was his baby it seemed..

"True true.. but hey Aunty Sam is going to be killer.. yall ain't ready for me bitches!"

The girls roll back their eyes as Lauren ran her palm gently over Camila's shoulder smiling sarcastically at the mans brush comment, he was great with kids and it was only evident when baby Jauregui arrived they would be spilt beyond belief!

"Whatever Sam! Anyway me and Zach have some shopping to do so I'll see you guys back at the house, take care of her while I'm gone too!"

Lauren voice as she shove past Sam playfully with a direct smile he knew not to ignore as he walk over to Camila wrapping his warm arms around her shoulders pouting

"Aunty Sam is officially on duty don't worry!"

He spoke before Lauren head out of the office to meet an already waiting Zach in the hall beaming and ready to go

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