The Wedding Part 2

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A few hours later the girls had been mesmerisingly dressed with their makeup reapplied to cover the emotional downpour of tears shed in the moment they dedicate their lives to each other, they both wore matching white skin tight dresses that flew down below their feet, a double slit in each thigh reaching up towards their hip bones to allow them more room to move, it was a known fact that they would be turning head upon entering the after party of their extravagant wedding, the speeches were yet to be made as the crowd of immediate friends and family would gather in a room dimly lit an decked out for the night ahead

"So.... it's official.. but hey I don't know why I ever asked before? Did you guys swap names or?"

Sam asked intrigued as he grab for a flute of Champaign floating past on a silver tray, Lauren stood smiling with her arm loosely fitted around the Youngers hips sipping from the glass between her fingertips

"Well legally I have to keep mine for the company but I asked Camila what she wanted and well.. tell him babe.."

Camila glance up at Lauren's proud smile taking in its beauty before rolling her eyes over to Sam stood waiting patiently for an answer his look of curiosity growing by the second

"I wanted to keep my dads name for obvious reasons but... I also wanted Lauren's so.. I'm now officially legally Camila Cabello Jauregui.."

Sam's eyes lit up as those words so confidently and proudly left Camila's mouth, his arms extend around her shoulders with a short but high pitched gasp before pulling away lifting his hands to his cheek looking at the pair as if they'd just been granted immortal life

"That... sounds ... so... fucking ... good!...."

He spoke in broken phases as he tried to remain as calm as Sam could be... he wasn't wrong.. it fit! It was professional also considering the extremely large plans for Jauregui Enterprise which were only a few weeks away from commencing, all of the documents would be head with the both of their names so it only made sense to have them the same, Lauren tighten her grip around the Youngers waist pulling her forward slightly to kiss her forehead

"Right? One more Jauregui couldn't hurt right?"

Lauren mocked playfully happily accepting the light slap Camila place across her arm, Sam wipe his brow before downing the liquid between his fingers placing the empty flute down behind him as he straighten out his jacket

"Yeah whatever Lauren! Anyway! We need to go sit the speeches are starting soon!"

Sam direct ushering the girls over to their table where they'd sit and listen to a few heartfelt and probably comedic reminders of their childhoods and god knows what else, Lauren couldn't help but feel the need to be closer to her wife, they'd been separated all morning and frankly it was horrifying! She shuffle her chair closer towards Camila's before lacing her hand between her palm under the table watching on as Sam confidently head up to the gap in the middle of the room

"Listen up! Listen up!"

Sam began heavily slapping the top of his mic with the palm of his hand grabbing the attention of the filled room eliciting a sassy eye roll from Lauren who could only dread what would next come out of his unpredictable but normally rude mouth

"I just want to take the time and congratulate my two best friends in the entire world on their magical day! I have prepared a speech!"

A loud groan fell into the room seemingly from Lauren's mouth which caused a train of simultaneous laughter as Sam look on sassily not for a second taking any notice as he continue to speak

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