Chapter 7

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"Fallon is here for you mama"

Sam spoke ushering the woman in holding a box full of files messily scraped together, her sweaty palms gripping to the bottom of the box as she place it down onto the desk

"They're all here?"

"Every single one!"

Fallon reply bluntly not bothering to even look the woman in the eye, Lauren stood running her fingertips down the side of the box not even having to look down to realise the woman's mistake

"Is this a joke?"

Lauren mutter sliding the top file out into her hand with a blunt unamused glare, Fallon furrow her brow offendedly after working all week piecing together the missing documents

"What now Lauren! I worked my ass off finding these!"

The woman flip the front page over dragging her eyes over the words in front pressing her finger against the page number as she skip to the last page

"1-210? These documents are supposed to be 300 pages long"

"Well maybe you were mistaken"

Fallon shot flipping her hair over her shoulder unashamedly not realising Lauren's incredibly switched on mind had already sussed her little plan

"I don't even need to read this to know what's missing Fallon, 210 pages which means 90 pages missing right? 90 pages would sound about right for my financial information ... so I'm gonna assume they're missing?"

Fallon gulp back harshly only saved by the thick layer of makeup that covered her blushing cheeks, Lauren took the silence as an answer picking up the phone beside her to call through for her newest employee who came quickly running to her aid

"Lo what's up?"

Her eyes remained fixed to the woman's stature while Chris walk around just in front of his sisters desk, Lauren place the file back down into the box sliding it over to the man's grasp

"You know all about financial fraud don't you Chris?"

"I- uh yeah, majored in it actually"

Lauren finally lift her gaze over into his direction with a smile watching him take the box into his arms with a confused tint

"Perfect, could you trace all of these and find the missing information, find out what's being done with it also"

She spoke less as a question more as an order, the man very quickly nod heading back out of the room saying nothing more leaving Fallon shuffling in her spot

"Lauren you're over reacting! Nothing is being done with your information!"

"See, Your wondering eyes, clammy palms... stumbling feet.. just makes me feel like you're lying to me... you should never lie to me Fallon..."

The woman for the first time backed down grasping onto Lauren's insane people reading skills, she knew herself that she'd been caught however the woman in front was yet to realise what she'd intended for those files


"When Chris comes back with those files.. I'm going to know exactly what you've been up to! Until then I want you out of my office!"

Lauren spat viciously sitting back down into the chair watching on as the woman drag herself from the room followed in shortly after by Camila who's smile beamed like a fresh glimpse of hope

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