The Wedding Part 1

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Today was the day, the day in which Camila and Lauren would dedicate their lives to each other in the worlds most beautifully luxurious wedding ceremony imaginable, the rooms were set with white roses and pink flowers, the ceilings littered with pastel pink balloons and gold streamers

Yes, they're already married you're thinking but only legally! Emotionally they had not yet commit to the life long embrace that would see them talking to the moon and counting stars into eternity and beyond, the girls were separated into different parts of the mansion hired out to hold the events, it was tradition after all... Lauren sat in a satin robe with her hair half done and her makeup looking more stunning than ever, her full eyebrows and winged liner highlighted by the shimmer of rose gold eyeshadow just on top of her lid, her nails painted a perfect white as they nervously roll over each other in attempts to calm her nerves

"You look beautiful mama..."

Sam spoke with wide eyes and a content smile, his best friend finally about to experience the most magical day of her life, she however felt slightly more shaken than most, she wasn't intimidated by much but the thought of walking out in front of hundreds of people set fear in her bones like a bolt of painful lightening 

"Thanks... you think ... you think she'll like it? This?"

Lauren replied anxiously as she point up at her makeup eliciting a soft eye roll from the man in front who wore a perfectly fitting suite with a single rose in the button hole, he kneel down in front of the elder grabbing for her hands his thumbs rolling over her soft pale knuckles

"Baby when she sees how stunning you look... I'd be surprised if she didn't cry... stop worrying! Today is going to be perfect I promise!"

He reassured issuing another intent smile before standing tapping the hair stylist on the shoulder causing her to quickly turn around to face his inviting gaze, he lift his hand to the sides of Lauren's hair lifting them up to the top of her head before directing her on his sudden wish

"Could you pin this back out of her face? Whatever you gotta do just make sure it's out of the way!"

He instructed watching on as the woman nod before realising Lauren's confused slightly harsh glare, her green eyes shooting up into his with a bold but direct stun

"You know this isn't your wedding right?"

She giggled lightly before Sam raise his brow setting his hand across his hip sassily, he click his fingers to motion the hair stylist to continue before grabbing for a bottle of water

"I know that but you are not going to be stood up at the alter scraping your hair back every 5 minutes like you normally do! Deal with it mama! I want good pictures!"

Lauren smile back bulging her eyes fully accepting Sam's judgment as she let the woman above her pin two chunks of hair to the back of her head finishing off the look with rose gold angel clips, she looked stunning.. the thick black wavy hair flowing all the way down onto her chest only adding to the look not even accompanied by a dress yet...

Just across the mansion inhabit Camila sat seemingly in the same position as Lauren as she hugged the tightly wound gown around her waste while having her eyeliner finished to perfection, her mom stood on beside Zach who just stare at her beautifully long hair and polished face, her eyes nervous yet excited as they babble about random topics

"So it's happening!.."

Zach spoke with a deep hopeful breath as he too share some of the anxiety that fill the room, his matching suit wound just the same as Sam's stood tall and handsome with his freshly styled hair, Sinu sport a pastel suit jacket and button up pant that left her looking like the stunning mother of the bride she'd always longed to be

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