Chapter 19 (by Popular Demand)

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Camila dragged Lauren by the wrist up the long stretch of marble stairs and straight into the bedroom slamming her against the wall beside the bed embracing her in an angrily passionate kiss that took the elder completely by surprise, her hands connecting to the back of her neck before pulling away

"What the fuck babe?"

Lauren asked shocked as she lift her hands up beside her, Camila used her thumb to tilt her girlfriends head up slightly to look briefly into her eyes

"I got sick of watching you two!"

She admit honestly with a harsh rasp in her tone before Lauren laughed under her breath

"Yeah I got sick of standing next to him! Baby you know I had to act all romantic with him... it was PR... You have to at least try and tolerate it until me and him actually get married!"

Lauren spoke back still panting for her breath

"I know! But until then I'm aloud to hate him!"

She spoke before plunging her lips back in against Lauren's, the elders hands instantly reconnected behind the girls back gripping tightly to the body she had longed for all night unknowing of her intentions that sat in her brain

Lauren's heart rate began to rise as Camila's hands reached behind her back for her wrists pinning them up above her head before sinking her lips down into the crook of her neck

"Kinda digging this angry stuff..."

Lauren spoke out eliciting a sudden position change from Camila who kept hold of her wrists as she guid her over onto the bed cocking her knee over the curvaceous body to straddle her lap

"You wanna see me angry mama?"

The younger spoke as she remained straddling over the girls perfectly full hips covered only by the silky low cut white dress that highlight her light caramel tan, her palms wrapped dominating around the centre of Lauren's wrist as she pinned them high above her head, Lauren didn't speak, the energy Camila gave off demanded that she didn't even without a spoken word

Lauren gulped back slightly as she watched a mischievously devilish picture paint its way across Camila's face, her wrists released slowly as she subtly grabbed for the satin belt behind her, she held it between her fingertips just staring at it a moment before looking strikingly back into Lauren's eyes

Still silent Camila took the fabric in one hand lifting Lauren's wrists to place it underneath, Lauren as if having had her breath stolen couldn't speak even a single word as the younger sat onto her knees hovering scarcely over her rib cage as she began tying a tight knot pulling her wrists in so that her palms were clasped closely together, the atmosphere was musky and thick, Lauren had no idea what to expect as her wrists were bound above her head, her lips part at the slight tug of pressure as Camila used the excess fabric to attach them to the bed frame behind her, she was rendered utterly powerless ... not the she was complaining

The younger moved back down to hover over the girls hips squinting her eyes smugly as she examined the position she had put the girl in, her long black raven like hair sat neatly over her shoulder while her toned arms were successfully tied above her, the woman shuffled slightly realising that Camila was serious, she couldn't move her hands more than an inch

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