Chapter 18

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Lauren and Camila had been tucked away in the elders office for the best part of the morning talking and detailing unspoken things about Jauregui Enterprises situation, Lauren felt it absolutely essential that her girlfriend was aware of what she was planning to do, getting her on board was extremely important when it came down to the final execution of Lauren's plan as any kind of hiccup or misdirection could lead to total destruction

"Lauren are you done?"

Sam asked as he carefully pushed open the heavy glass door, Lauren nod and winked on at the girl before standing out of her chair

"Yep, and I have a job for you!"

Sam slipped the phone between his fingers back into his pocket before cocking his brow questionably watching as Lauren walked across the room to pull her purse from her bag

"I need you to take Camila shopping, she needs to come back looking like she owns this place got it?"

Sam tilt his head confused looking on as Camila stood to join him with her bag already in hand

"Wait what? Why?"

Lauren handed the purse over to Camila smiling, she had a wild beam on her face as if given the best news of her life... Sam just couldn't figure out why

"Baby Sam will meet you down there"

Lauren spoke before leaning in to place a short but passionate kiss against her warm lips received happily by the younger as she strut out from the room

"Lauren what are you doing!"

The man scolded as he tried to figure out what the girl was up to, she had been acting strangely ever since she had mentioned doing things her way and things just weren't adding up

"Just trust me ok? Stop worrying!"

Sam rolled his eyes turning to leave the room with a harsh attitude, the elder had her ways but they were often dangerously cryptic and left Sam completely in the dark as he was insistent a lot of the time on talking her out of them


The girl looked around to see Dinah walking calmly into the room with a single sheet of paper that she quickly handed over to the elder, Lauren took the sheet and scanned her emerald eyes of the lawful words before reaching up her fingers to sign the bottom

"Are you sure about this Lauren?"

Dinah asked carefully, Dinah wasn't at all a confrontational person not shockingly the hostility within their relationship stem mainly from Lauren, there had always been an obvious competition between the pair but what seemed to trigger Lauren's behaviour was Dinah's unified family unit that sat behind her no matter what, Lauren had never liked that and almost punished the woman because of it

Lauren hand back the sheet and nod

"I've never been more sure"

Dinah sighed gulping back as she nervously tucked the sheet of paper away into her bag, her mind wondering what she had gotten herself into as it was her company also on the line

"But what if it doesn't work?... Lauren this is way bigger than us! Who's gonna handle the lawyers? Not just that but have you even thought about what it's going to look like afterwards?"

Lauren rolled her eyes running her finger under the shoulder of dress before setting herself back on the edge of her cold desk

"I have a secret weapon, one that I know will convince any fancy lawyer to do what I want! Anyway... I'm Lauren fucking Jauregui... you think I could look bad in a tabloid?"

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