Chapter 31 Part 1

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Camila's POV

Sofi Ran through the office door flying around towards Lauren who sat working away at her desk before I could even say hello, her small body eliciting a wide smile from her as she place her pen down on the table beside her, she picked her up onto her lap and cuddled her tightly melting my heart instantly

"Hey mama! You have a good time?"

Lauren spoke to which Sofi nod back happily grinning into the room, Lauren's eyes finally lift to mine her arm reaching out for me to come closer, my body walk over lacing my arm between her and Sofi to embrace her shoulders, my stomach filling with butterfly's as her lips kissed the side of my neck, I lift my head slowly smiling into a much missed yet tender kiss

"You're never leaving me again!"

She spoke making me giggle lightly under my breath as Sofi hop from her lap running quickly over towards the couch where I'd set her bag, obviously I took the opportunity and regained MY position across her body placing my arm around the back of her neck setting my forehead down into her cheek

"I don't ever want too... it sucked being away from you..."

Lauren smiled against my forehead using her palm to lift my head back so she could look into my eyes, I missed those green eyes... more than you could imagine ... it felt kinda weird waking up and not seeing them in front of me like I did most days ...

"You know you don't have to be ..."

I crease my brow lightly before lifting my body slightly her left arm wrapping tightly around my waist as she hesitate with her words glancing over towards the door before back into my eyes

"I mean like... you're my wife so technically we shouldn't be living away from each other..."

Her gaze was soft and hopeful like one that expected an answer, I couldn't help but feel warm as her chest move against my ribs

"Are you asking me to move in with you?"

I smiled excitedly... moving in with Lauren just felt like a dream come true, I know I hardly ever went home now anyway but to make it official just feels crazy ... living with my wife ... yes!

"Well... only if you want to..."

I rolled my eyes playfully before grabbing her chin using it to sink into a deep passionate kiss, her spare arm grabbing around the back of my neck softly before a small voice yelp out into the room stopping us in our tracks

"Ewwww gross!"

Sofi yell out as she throw down her barbie into the floor causing Lauren to laugh against my mouth pulling away gently, her little body ran over between us pulling at my leg

"Go away she's mine!"

She called out forcing me off from Lauren's lap as she throw her arms around her stomach, Lauren's laugh killed me as she lift her brows cockily

"Two Cabello's in one day! I am a lucky woman huh!"

Sofi giggled into her stomach before looking behind her to stare me down... as if my own baby sister stole my girl with one swift eye flutter! After a few moments of exchanged laughter my moms eyes caught my attention from just outside of the office, Lauren and Sofi were more than happy with each other's company so I head out to greet her talking with Sam who had an expressionless almost drained face on his shoulders

"Hey what's wrong?"

Sam looked up at me smiling but I could tell it was fake, he sighed quickly before handing over a document to me

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