Chapter 14 P2

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Camila sit scratching the side of her leg as she scroll through her phone awaiting the arrival of her boss, her brain still fixated on Lauren's sudden exit last night unsure of what could have caused it, her attention was quickly averted however by the flamboyant Sam who strut in holding a brand new bag

"You like it mamaaaaa, Sammy has a new shoulder piece huuuh!!"

He spoke like a boy on Christmas, Camila glanced up and smiled weakly locking her phone in her hands before uncrossing her leg

"Looks good! Lauren get you that?"

Sam removed the bag from his shoulder and placed it down beside him on the ground before brushing off his chest

"No! I bought it myself for once! Shocker I know! But Lauren is cutting my shopping habits in half so I guess I'm gonna have to reach into my own pockets now!"

Camila laughed lightly under her breath as she scraped back some of the long hair from her shoulder sighing audibly alerting Sam's genuinely concerned demeanour

"Hey mila? What's up?"

He spoke softly sitting himself down beside the girl placing his delicate hand on top of her knee

"Nothing, it's fine"

The man raised a single brow indicating to Camila he wasn't letting her off with that answer

"What has she done now..."

He instantly could tell it had something to do with Lauren, it always did, he knew the girls behaviour better than anyone and had a gut instinct which never failed him, he watched on as the younger nervously rolled her thumb over her tan knuckles

"Just... I always think we're getting somewhere and then..."

Camila held back slightly fully aware that she was speaking with her closest friend, she was afraid to say something that could cause any kind of drama, she hated drama especially when it came to her own life but Sam wasn't stupid and grabbed hold of her hand tightly

"Baby... you know you can tell me anything right? Even IF it is about Lauren!"

The younger smiled lightly at the comforting touch of Sam's hand

"Last night, she was acting normal.. really normal and then we .. you know, afterwards I just hugged her and she hugged me back.. but then .. she pulled away? She looked uncomfortable like she didn't want to touch me and just made up some bullshit excuse to leave.."

Sam sighed heavily averting his eyes as if he knew something she didn't, Camila hadn't noticed however as she remained staring into her lap overthinking everything she had just said, Sam tightened his grip on the girls hand alerting her that he was still listening as she'd fallen in to a zoned out state

"Look mila, you're probably just over thinking it, she loves being around you!"

Camila's eyes finally lifted into Sam's almost Unhappy with his response

"I know what I saw Sam! She backed off... like she got what she wanted and then just .."

"Hey! Stop it! It's not like that ok? She probably just got nervous.. Camila you realise that she's never been in a relationship before right? 23 years old and never been shown any kind of love or affection.. not even her parents would tuck her in at night, this is all new to her!"

Sam reassured comforting the girl to an extent before their conversation was harshly interrupted by the loud clapping of the woman in questions heels storming into the office not even for a second looking at the pair as she slammed her bag down onto her desk pulling out a red file

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