Chapter 8

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"You know I figured I know basically nothing about you...?"

Camila spoke curiously as she sat writing out long forms for Lauren's meeting later that evening, she sat perched on the ground surrounded by expensive embossed paper and a few empty bottles of water

"Well, what do you wanna know Cabello?"

The girl replied bluntly with a slight intrigue in her voice, as per usual she was fixed to her desk scrolling through the companies latest figures

"Um? What do you like to do in your spare time?"

The girl looked up and rolled her eyes opening her hands out in referral to the mounds of work surrounding her

"You really think I have 'spare time', Look at all of this shit!"

Camila's eyes glanced up and smiled as she ran her fingertips across the Jauregui logo just to feel Lauren's name under her touch

"Come on.. there's gotta be something you enjoy doing other than this.."

Lauren pursed her lips in disagreement, she'd never actually discussed her personal life with anyone before especially the things she gets up to in the comforts of her own home, nobody was ever bold enough to ask anyway

"Camila, you're honestly barking up the wrong tree... running this business is a full time job... I don't have time for anything else!"

She lied unknowingly to Camila

"Ok well, what's your family like?"

Lauren's face dropped slightly, her eyes drifting away from her work and over into the Youngers direction

"You don't want to know about my family"

Her usually bold voice trailed off slightly eliciting a look of intrigue from the girl on the floor, she shuffled her legs before leaning back on her hands

"I do? Tell me?"

Lauren sighed heavily

"Fine, my dads a stuck up rich asshole, my mom abandoned me when I was 15, my brother and sister cut me out of their lives OH and my grandparents hate me because I'm 'just like him'"

"... like your dad?"

The younger asked hesitantly as she cautiously played with the tips of her thick brown hair

"Yup, they're not wrong either!"

She spoke defeatedly, her eyes weak and unsure even tho she would never admit to being anything alike in front of him

"I don't think you're anything like him? I mean... he's aggressive, rude and he has no sense of emotion?"

Lauren laughed at the girls naivety

"You really don't know me all that well then.."

"What's that supposed to mean? You're not emotionless Lauren?"

"Emotion is easy to fake Camila, it's also easy to turn off if you know how"

Camila looked down into her lap feeling slightly hurt, if what she was saying was true that would mean all of the moments and the looks the pair had shared was... fake?

"But, what about us?"

Lauren cocked her brow and waited for the younger to continue

"The way you look at me? You wrote about me in your diary?"

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