Chapter 36

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Lauren's POV

Camila and I lay bundled under a mountain of blankets that litter the couch, our bodies exhausted after the long day/night we were able to have just yesterday, I still can't believe that we're married, I mean I know we were already but to have the real life ceremony with the dresses and the speeches.. it just felt real this time and now I know for a fact that the girl slumped comfortably across my chest is mine forever... that's fucking CRAZY!

Her body was gently huffing small breaths as her eyes locked onto the random tv show playing on the TV, I'd scheduled Dinah to work the office for a few days so we could settle and just relax before the new movement of Jauregui Enterprise really took off, it would take all of our time and energy to make it work so a little rest bite wouldn't hurt I guess... after a few hours of enjoying the peace the sound of the loud front door swinging open surprise us both, Sam walk in freshly showered with a wide grin kicking his shoes off before jumping up next to us on the couch heading under the blankets as if he'd never been away

"Hey mamas! Good night?"

Camila look up for the first time in a few hours with sleepy relaxed eyes smirking with a folded lip as she prop herself up to look at Sam who immediately roll his eyes playfully... yeah it was a good night.. I forgot actually in my vows to also tell karla how much I loved her but quite frankly I don't think Camila's mom would appreciate me telling the world how much I enjoyed being tied up choked and fucked ... hehe

"It was good! Peaceful without you two!"

I lied eliciting a small rumble of laughter from Sam's mouth as he lean back into the couch comfortably, I always felt a sense of security whenever he was around, my whole life he was that little angel on my shoulder telling me right from wrong and now here he was living in my house the way I'd always wished for it to happen

"Whatever gurl! You know this is crazy.. it's like the end but also the beginning? You know you guys are married now and we're about to go into this whole new business venture.."

He spoke excitedly, I was also but primarily stressed knowing how harsh a merge can be especially when we're talking about billions of dollars worth of stocks... I was ready however and so was Camila! She was getting quicker and quicker at the things she used to playfully refuse to learn but now it was like having a slightly younger me on hand as a perfectly cryptic weapon

"It's gonna be a lot of work but.. if we do it right we're gonna be unstoppable!"

I gloat thinking about the future and how growing the business would only bring so much more to our little bubble, the joy however was not shared by Camila as she roll her eyes huffing into my chest with a small groan to accompany

"Can we not talk about work right now?!"

She sighed as she pull back the cover lifting her body from mine evident as the previously warm Camila blanket was now just a cold patch on my skin, her small feet jump onto the floor pulling the oversized sweater from her chest fully exposing her body to both me and Sam who admittedly sat open mouthed for different reasons


Sam gasp as she cock her brow ignoring him cockily before dragging her panties down her legs standing proudly naked in the centre of the room pulling her hair from her shoulders over down across her back.... I had a thing for that thick brown hair... not to be discussed as of right now but I'll get back to you!

"Baby you ok there?"

I joked as she roll her eyes laughing at Sam who was basically dead at this point so overwhelmed by the full face of female anatomy which I for sure was a fan of, she'd for sure grown in confidence and that was evident in the shameless reveal in front of us

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