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Shifting in her sleep, Lily grabbed her pillow and straddled it so that her pale arms could hug it as she slept. The breeze from the window brushed through, ruffling her hair in the process. Across the room, Dorcas snored on her borrowed mattress, but Lily didn't hear it. She was too lost in her dream.

"Well what do you suggest we do in this detention?" James asked her in seductive voice as he hiked up on the teacher's desk behind him effortlessly.

Lily smirked, her blouse slightly unbuttoned as she held a quill in her hand.

"You were bad today. So you have to write lines."

"What kind of lines?" he asked mischievously, his glasses slipping down his nose as he adjusted his tie.

"Well," she purred as she sauntered over to him, clicking her high heels as she did, "let me see."

She brought her body so close to him that the surface of their clothes grazed each other, as his wide hazel eyes bore into the emerald green of her own. She could see every breath rise from his chest and leave through his perfect lips. Flipping out her perfectly curled hair, she looked up at him, with her small chin held high. Hormones swirled around her body, making her skin warm to the touch. His finger rolled in the air around her wrists until he finally brushed the soft skin on the inside of her wrist; a jolt of electricity shot up her body, making her stomach squirm in pleasure. She never thought such a slight touch would make her react like this. She wanted James Potter more than words could ever explain. They leaned closer and closer to each other, and right as her eyes fluttered to a close, she woke up.

Bolting forward, she covered her mouth with her hand as flush of crimson ran across her face and beads of sweat grew on her blue tank top. Her hair stuck to her face as she panted and looked across the room. Dorcas was still dead asleep, her brown hair sprawling across her pillow as she curled up into a ball and snored. Letting out a sigh of relief, Lily threw the warm blankets off of her and put her feet on the cool floor. Carefully she eyed Dorcas as she tiptoed out of her bedroom, trying not to wake her friend up. Luckily, Dorcas was the deepest sleeper she'd ever met; so much so, she didn't even flinch at the groans the hardwood floor made as she moved across the room.

Lily went into her silent kitchen and poured herself a glass of water to calm herself down. Her heart was still racing, but her mind's chosen topic of thought made her even more incredulous. Sure, she couldn't control the subject of her dreams, but it still freaked her out that even a small portion of her could feel that way about James Potter, the biggest idiot Hogwarts had ever seen. What was worse was it clearly wasn't a small portion of her, either; her whole body had reacted wholeheartedly to the dream as if her body wanted nothing else…and that was completely crazy, because she hated Potter with every fiber of her being. She shook her head, nervously chewing on her lip and focusing on calming herself down. She was just being a normal, hormonal teenage girl…. It meant nothing. James Potter meant nothing to her.

After downing another glass of water, she felt well enough to go back to bed. She again crawled into her sweaty sheets and tried to go back to sleep, but to no avail. She tossed and turned and did everything in her power to forget her dream, but she couldn't seem to get it out of her mind. His big, stupid face was stuck in her head, and no matter what she did, she couldn't forget it.

Finally she gave up and got dressed for the day. Going downstairs, she found her father flipping pancakes for breakfast. He was average height for a man, but Lily always felt that he'd always been the tallest man in the world to her. He had dusty brown hair, a worn face, and the warmest smile Lily had ever seen. As soon as he saw his youngest daughter, that smile was unleashed.

"Morning, Lillian. You're up early," he noted, handing her a healthy plate of pancakes.

She grabbed the plate and scratched her hair thoughtfully.

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