Help I'm Alive

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Lily knew she was doing too much, she really did, but she couldn't stop herself. She didn't know what got into her when she woke up, but she just felt this overwhelming need to take care of her friends. Usually she would hesitate and hold back, telling herself that she shouldn't get involved, but as soon as she opened her eyes that morning she couldn't help herself. She felt so guilty for what they were all going through that she just had to do something, anything, to help them. In the back of her mind she knew breakfast in bed might not really do anything to help, but she did it anyway.

Alice had barely said anything since she'd gotten back to Hogwarts. Two things had changed about her; first there was a sizable ring on her left hand and second her face was three shades paler than it normally was. Her big blue eyes were always on the verge of tears, but she didn't ever cry, at least not in front of any of them. She stayed strong and held it together, despite everything. The only time she cried was at Mary's funeral. Her little body was tucked into Frank and he held her as she sobbed her heart out.

It was she, above everyone, that Lily worried about the most. Marlene had a lot of support and might be strong enough to handle the problems to come. Alice on the other hand often kept to herself and now had to walk around with the knowledge that her best friend was buried six feet under the ground. So Lily moved with extra caution around the tiny girl.

Gently, Lily put her arm around Alice's shoulders kindly. "You ready honey?"

"Yeah." Alice whispered quietly pushing herself up to sit. Her wide eyes took in the breakfast plates and she looked at Lily in bewilderment. "What's going on?"

"Breakfast?" Lily muttered self-consciously, running her hand through her untamable hair.

A ghost of a smile appeared on Alice's face, and scooted over, pulling Lily into a hug. "Thank you Lily."

Touched that Alice appreciated the small gesture, Lily smiled at her and said nothing. The rest of the morning Lily did rounds like a nurse, checking on Marlene and Alice periodically until they all were finally ready for class. Lily glanced at Marlene and saw her uniform was buttoned up to the top so not to show even the slightest trace of the horrible scar that was branded into her chest. Her blonde hair was up in a tight, unshakable ponytail. Lily felt a rush of guilt and in one fluent movement she linked arms with Marlene.

"You ready for this?"

Marlene squished Lily's cheeks mockingly. "I'll be fine baby carrot."

"I really hope that's not a new thing." Lily grimaced in horror.

"Oh but it is," Dorcas grinned slinging her bag over her shoulder and taking Alice's hand willing or not. "Let's go kids."

At first Lily thought he might have overreacted with breakfast, but as soon as the four of them left the common room and headed into the halls she knew she hadn't. People of all houses, all years and all genders were whispering about them. Remus had offered to get the guys together to walk them to class, but Lily had refused. This was bound to happen, you could have something that big happen and expect to just not hear about it. But it would immensely worse if it looked like Alice and Marlene needed boys to protect them. Both Alice and Marlene could do this on their own, Lily and Dorcas were just there so they wouldn't have to, not today at least.

"Did you hear?" Emmeline Vance stage whispered, flipping her white blonde hair out of her face as they passed. "McKinnon gave it up before they found her. So she's like tainted now."

"I'm gonna-!" Dorcas began threateningly, her olive face face boiling with rage but Marlene laughed at her and pulled her back.

"If you're going to fight someone Dora. At least fight someone who has the balls to say it to your face…or in this case my face." Marlene told her dragging her along. "Let's just go to class."

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