wont back down

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"Jay," Evelyn Potter said crossing her legs and taking a last bite of her food. "I asked for permission to take you to dinner, because I want to discuss something with you."

James looked at her intently, though he knew exactly what she was going to say. "Yes, mother?"

"Don't call me that." She glowered at him. "You know I hate that."

He laughed, crossing his arms, "Okay, mum. What would you like to discuss with me?"

"Do you remember, what you asked Lily?" She said bluntly.

James flipped his fork on the tablecloth, his lips tucked together. "Yes."

Evelyn Potter thanked the house elf that brought her coffee, with a kind smile, before turning back to her only biological child with exhaustion. "James, you're 17."

"I'm about to be 18."

"Not-yet," She said sharply, dropping some cream into her coffee and stirring it.

James ran his hand through his hair anxiously and said, "Look, I know you don't approve-"

"You're damn right I don't!" She cut him off, her hazel eyes big. "We're in the middle of a war! And you get back from nearly dying, and you just jump into a lifelong decision. You tell me, how any normal parent would feel?!"

"Mum, I know you think it was just an impulsive whim, but it's not-"

Evelyn interrupted him again, raising her small hands, "Fine! If it's not a whim, if it's not an impulse, I want you to wait two weeks. Just two weeks. And if you can find three new reasons, three reasons besides you love her and...and she's pretty or intelligent, three reasons that will prove it to me, then I won't protest and I will support it."

James scowled, his jaw locking.

"I understand that you nearly died, and I understand that you can't wait, but you are just kids-"

"No," He said softly, "Not anymore, mum. I'll always be your son, but I stopped being a child. I stopped being a child the day that dad died, and I reckon she feels the same way about Mr. Evans."

"...And how do you think Mr. Evans would feel about this?"

"He asked me twice how serious I was about Lily," James started in strained voice, "And whenever I was over he would watch me like a hawk, always checking...In the end, he gave me his blessing."

Mrs. Potter's resolve bent a bit at that, her shoulders visibly slumping.

"I love you, Mum. And I understand what you're saying, but," He swallowed shallowly, his hazel eyes searching for the words for her to understand, "if dad were here he'd understand."

Tears grew in her eyes.

"He didn't talk about his family much, you know. You talk about yours more than he did, but one thing he always made crystal clear was his feelings towards you...And growing up, I never thought I'd feel that way about anyone. What he described, what I saw every day of my life, I didn't believe that there was someone out there that I could feel that way about. It wasn't that I thought I'd never fall in love, I just thought I'd never fall in love like that."

"And you feel that way about Lily?" Mrs. Potter asked in the smallest voice imaginable.

James nodded slowly, "I used to think I just loved the idea of her. A fiery, smart girl who refused to give me the time of day, it sounded like a nice challenge, a game changer...but then I fell in love with her. I don't even know when it changed. Maybe the first time we fought and I meant it?" He asked himself.

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