the end of all things

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"Come on."

Lily eyes fluttered open; she shifted off of her arm to see her husband standing next to her, his hand outstretched and a bemused expression on his face. Their cat, Alexander Bartholomeow, a rather thick orange tabby, jumped off his place on Lily's lap at the sight of such affection.

She laughed swiping the exhaustion off her face. Her dark red hair swept back in a messy bun, she eyed him warily.


"You know," He began dryly, "You would think after all this time you would just get on the broom."

"...Get on the broom?"

James groaned, "It's an expression. Come on, Lils."

"I'm always going to question you, James. It's why you married me."

The sunlight was streaming in through the door wall and it lit up James's face, warming his eyes and tanning his skin. Lily fought a smile but she didn't win, his hand remained in the air knowing that eventually she would take it like she always did.

"Fine." Lily grabbed his hand and let him pick her up off the loveseat. "Where's Harry?"

"Upstairs with Remus." James said flicking his wand to start the music. Then he took her hand and waist.

Lily grinned at him, leaned in and kissed him lightly, her lips brushing against his, her free hand curling around his shoulder. "You're not too bad, Potter."

"We could be married for forty years and you'll still call me by my surname."

"It has a ring to it." She mused.

He rested his lips to her hairline and every other beat he would smile. "I set up the decorations, Sirius and Peter are coming in a half hour so everything's ready for Harry's party."

"Good...I can't believe he's one." Lily wined, leaning into to his shoulder with a sigh.

"I can."

Lily said, "I just hope his next birthday we can actually take him out."

"What bright ideas, do you have for that?"

"We could take him to a Quidditch game or... I dunno, to a park? Something out of the house."

He pulled away and looked at her. Frowning he cupped her face between his hand and told her softly. "We won't be stuck here forever."

"I'm not worried about us." Lily admitted. "We've lived. We traveled on our honeymoon and we didn't just stay in the castle when we were in school... We've done...things. And I want that for him. I want...I want-"

"I know." He leaned his forehead against hers, "I know."

Lily breathed, "I know it's going to be okay. I know that we are going to get through this. Just. I worry."

"And I love you for it."

She kissed him firmly, her arms wrapping around his waist. "I love you too."

A few hours later; Lily, James, Remus, Peter, Sirius and Harry were in the backyard. Remus sat off to the side with Lily and Peter. While Sirius stood and watched James barbeque with his jaw locked.

"Isn't this cool?" James gestured. "You see, it cooks the meat without magic."

"Prongs, we have to talk about this." Sirius said in a low voice.

"I don't want to hear anymore about it, Padfoot." James said flatly, flipping the meat patty. "There may be someone leaking information, but it's no friend of mine."

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