Take Your Time (coming Home)

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Lily put her things in her compartment with Dorcas and Marlene before going to sit by herself in the only empty compartment in the entire train. Usually it was unofficially set aside for prefects, but all the prefects were, at least for the time being, sitting with their friends. Something that Lily herself would do in a few minutes. She just needed a minute to clear her head before going back to sit with her friends. There was no an single part of her that was upset that Dorcas was coming home with her for break, but every single part of her feared what new forms of hell she would have endure when Dorcas left.

Every year Lily tried to convince herself that it wasn't that bad. That maybe Petunia would let go of her pettiness and just leave Lily alone, but she knew better. Petunia looked for opportunities like this to strike. Idily Lily wondered what horrible thing her sister would say to her this year. Last year Petunia taunted her that no one would ever want such a scrawny, freckled, pasty mess, which wouldn't have been that bad if she didn't repeat it, over and over again until Lily snapped and threw a plate at her head. Her father had scolded her, but what was worse was that Lily felt like she had lost the war against Petunia. For years Petunia lived to push Lily's buttons and every time with no avail she accomplished it. Lily tried her best to ignore her sister, but she couldn't, because Petunia always said the horrible things Lily thought about herself. And for once Lily would like to think she had grown confident enough to be beyond that. That she could just hear her sister call her worthless and smile back like she didn't care at all.

As she focused on breathing Lily tried to remember that she wasn't that same scared, 11 year old girl with a mane of ridiculous red hair. She had good grades and a high standing in school, she had friends now. So whatever Petunia threw at her, she could take, because she wasn't the same quiet weak girl. Sure she still couldn't throw a punch without feeling guilty …and she really was a shite dueler, but she was getting better, and that was more than most people could say for themselves.

"What are you thinking about?"

Lily jumped as she saw Sirius Black leaning in the compartment doorway, with his usual amused smirk. "Nothing, just stuff…"

"Nice Evans," He snorted, "I feel like I understand so deeply I feel that way myself."

"Oh sod off." She scoffed crossing her arms over her chest. "Should you be with Potter?"

"Can't stop thinking about him eh?" Sirius winked at her.

Lily's cheeks reddened as she gave him a dirty look. "Can I help you with something?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were coming to Prongs's Christmas party." He said strolling in casually, shutting the door and falling into the seat across from her.

"Um…I'm not sure…Probably not. Why?"

Sirius frowned. "Because I think you should come and perhaps dance with James for a spin or two."

"I'm more concerned about your love life."

"Why would you be?" Sirius scoffed.

It was Lily's turn to smirk. "I don't know, maybe because you are in love with my best friend."

"Meadowes is fit, but I'd sooner wrestle an ocelot." He said dismissively.

"I was referring to Marlene McKinnon."

Sirius's smirk fell and his face-hardened as he looked at Lily. Though they had fallen into friendship, Sirius wasn't sure if he liked this side of being friends with a female. Males, though they might suspect things, often kept their suspicions to themselves unless it directly affected them. Girls were different, they noticed flashes of expression and wanted to talk about them. Sirius couldn't think of a more horrible or wretched thing to think about.

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