dont worry baby

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James pulled on his trousers, jumping to hike them up, with a somber expression on his face. The effects of the hangover potion were working through him gradually, easing the tension out of the back of his neck and ebbing away the ache out of his eyes. He'd drank water, ate bread and still tried to have fun while still not getting as out of control as he usually did when he was with the boys, but the hangover was inevitable. They had fun, managed to pull Sirius out of a fight without getting hurt, helped Remus out when he threw up everything he'd ever eaten and tried to wingman Peter a date. It was an extraordinarily long night, but the high and low note was probably when the four of them passed out in his flat and instead of going to the couches or spare beds they all slept on the floor. It was a horrible idea, but they were all too thrashed to see real reason and somehow they all ended up sleeping on each other. James got Peter, which was really the best end of the deal as everyone else was too muscular or slender to really be comfortable, but Peter had just the right amount of fat to be perfection to sleep on.

His black hair was damp and dripping down his face from the quick shower he'd just left and his eyes were a bit bloodshot, but he was getting by. He knew from experience that with a bit of toast and some tea he would be just fine. His gaze drifted over to his bed and he smiled. They never talked about it, but they always had a specific side of the bed that was their own. She was always to the right of him. He couldn't remember the first night they'd first genuinely slept together, but it became common nature between them over the months. Once he was sleeping on the wrong side of the bed on purpose, knowing it would bother her. He laughed so hard under his breath when she started pushing him over and he purposefully put all of his weight into the bed so she had to use all of her strength to move him. Eventually she started hitting him and laughing when she realized he was doing it on purpose.

And in just a few hours, he was going to be married to that little feisty ginger girl. It didn't seem possible to him. The smile that came on his face was blinding at the thought of being able to call her his wife and her in turn being able to call him her husband. He'd always hoped this day would come, but to actually be there, about to have it was ...astonishing.

"Hey, mate," Sirius yawned, pressing through the door, "We have to leave in five if we're going to get to the church in time."

James nodded, rubbing his eyelids. "Okay. Thanks."

Sirius paused. "Do you happen to know if Lily is getting ready here or at the church?"

"No idea." James grabbed a white button up dress shirt from his closet looking over casually. "Why?"

"No reason," Sirius lied flippantly, flashing him a smile, "I'll be right back. I'm going to get my tux from my flat."

James nodded, his eyes fixed on his shirt as his hands worked the buttons through their designated holes.

Sirius closed the door, and gave Peter a panicked look. "We are so fucked."

Peter let out a hard breath. "Remus said Dorcas left through the Portkey at 2 am and Lily's wallet was on the floor of his flat so Lily had to have been with her."

"Her dress is in their closet, I saw it..." Running a hand over his face, Sirius bit down hard on his bottom lip. "Our best friend is getting married in an hour, and we have no idea where the Bride or the Maid of Honor are and her dress is still here..."

"We are so fucked." Peter groaned miserably, clutching his face.

15 Hours Earlier...

"You two make a beautiful couple." The elderly hostess informed Lily with a cheery smile. "I hope you have a wonderful wedding dear!"

"Thank you." Lily said quietly, flushing with pride.

Marlene announced, slipping out of the booth. "I'm going to the loo. I'll be back."

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