everything has changed

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"Lily, come on."

She groaned, her eyes aching. "Sirius I'm staying."

"You have to wake up."


"It's fine," James said.

Lily stiffened, just as an arm slid underneath her legs and the other went beneath her neck. "Whagonnon?"

"Go back to sleep," James reassured her.

She opened her eyes and saw James lift her up. "What are you doing? You should be resting!"

"I'm fine Lil. Pomfrey just gave me a clean bill of health."

She looked at him for a few seconds in scrutiny. "She did?"

"Yes. It's early, do you want to go back to the dorm?"

"Are you going to carry me?" Lily asked in a small voice.

"I can."

"Then yes." Lily snickered tucking her head into his chest comfortably.

James laughed, and kissed her forehead, it was then she noticed he was shirtless, deliciously so. Suddenly, his lips were on hers, those passionate lips, that strong jaw. His hands slid around her body, pressing her tightly against him. That's when she felt-

"Lily, you're drooling."

Lily jumped, her hair was everywhere and her eyes were feral. "What?! What?!"

"Simmer down Lil," Sirius laughed leaning back in his chair, his raven hair falling into his eyes. "I just didn't want you to drool on James."

Lily looked down and saw James was still unconscious, softly snoring while he cuddled with a pillow. Madame Promfrey had given him a potion at 11 to make him sleep. Her eyes zeroed in on the clock across the hall, it was 4:45.

"I feel like crap." Lily mumbled rubbing her throbbing temples. Inhaling she said, "How is he?"

"Same as he was when you passed out an hour ago."

Lily groaned, trying in vain to tame her hair. "God...Have you slept?"

He shook his head, unconcernedly. "Nope."

"You should get some sleep. You don't want to mess up your sleep schedule."

"It's fine. I'll just pass out tomorrow."

Eyeing him she asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes, what were you dreaming about?"

"Nothing." She answered quickly, a blush swarmed his face.

"Ah huh," He smirked knowingly.

She shook her head, giving him a dirty look. "Oh shut up...What have you been doing to pass the time?"

"Reading." He raised the book, "Marlene lent it to me when she left...it's incredibly dull."

"The plight of a woman seeking independence is boring to you, how shocking."

"You know the crankier you are the more you sound like Meadowes."

"Thank you."

He snorted. "It wasn't a compliment."

"Oh you know you like her."

"She's a pain in the arse."

"So are you," Lily pointed out, "and we keep you around."

Sirius batted his long eyelashes, "That's because I'm adorable."

"You think that, but if we needed you for that we'd just need Mar."

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