That Home

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James woke up on the day of his seventeenth birthday grinning. His glasses weren't on yet and he was only wearing his boxers. The sun streamed in through the window as beside him his alarm softly went off. He clicked it off and just laid on his bed shirtless. He was a man and more importantly he was an adult. It was such an odd notion. He was used to being seeing as a juvenile delinquent or a misguided youth. It was so out of body to think that every moment he sat there, inhaling air, he was doing it as someone who was completely and entirely legally responsible for himself and all of his actions. It was freeing to think he could literally go out and do whatever he pleased, but also terrifying because now if he did do something wrong the consequences would be all on him.

He stayed still for a few more moments and let every memory for the past seventeen years fill inside of his chest, before reaching for his glasses and stretching up to a sitting postion. The instant he did, a very excited blond tackled him.

"OOf," He groaned while Marlene hugged him tightly.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" She yelled excitedly.

He laughed and was about to thank her when Remus, Peter and Sirius pulled her off of him and lifted James up in the air. "HAAAAAAAAAAAPPPY BIRTHDAY!" They screamed in unison, almost dropping James at one point.

James couldn't do anything but laugh at them, his face almost splitting with laughter. His untidy black hair stuck up more than usual as each of them took turns ruffling it, before putting him down. Sirius tossed him his pants while Remus and Marlene handed him his pile of presents. He grinned at them and opened each present carefully. Mar had gotten him the new Quidditch gloves he had asked for. Remus had gotten him a lovely assortment of chocolates and some deer slippers, with antlers on the top. Peter got him a book on unique spells and their origins. And Sirius gave him a blank gift card with no explanation attached. All he would say was that it would be explained later, which wasn't reassuring in the least, but James merely thanked his friends before changing into his Quidditch uniform and grabbing his broom.

Sirius and Marlene walked down with him as usual. The minute they left, James was serenaded by all the portraits, who all had varying degree of singing capabilities. Regardless James took it in stride. He appreciated the attention and more than that he appreciated the effort his friends had gone to in order to make sure he had a good day.

"So mate," Sirius asked as they sat down at the Great Hall. "What did Evans give you?"

"A pocket watch," James blushed as he sat down in between Sirius and Marlene.

Marlene looked confused. "Why a pocket watch?"

"He loves them," Sirius rolled his eyes mockingly. "Though how little Ms. Ginger knew that is beyond me."

About twenty minutes later, the three of them were in the locker room. Sirius was messing with James. "So come on, tell me whose present you like the most. I know mine is vague, but you have to admit, mine was the best."

"Um, false," Marlene scoffed, "I gave him a present he can use. Merlin knows what horrendous thing you have roped him into."

"Answer the question Prongs. Who did the best?" Sirius asked nudging him like a five year old.

James said, "Lily did."

Sirius snorted, and threw his hands up. "Of course! He picks the woman."

James said nothing more, he sat on the edge of the bench, hunched over, smiling to himself, playing with something in his pocket. Marlene watched his expression, her eyes watering as she saw how his face lit up and how quiet he became. It was like his entire existence warmed at this simple gesture from Lily.

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