say (all i need)

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Getting some punch, Lily sighed when she smelled just how much alcohol Sirius had drowned in the pink liquid. She was just thirsty and she didn't want to be drunk especially not that drunk.

"I think that's non alcoholic," A boy around her age informed her.

Lily looked at him and was surprised when she didn't recognize him. Usually she at least had seen everyone before even if she didn't know them personally.

"Yes, but knowing Sirius Black...he might have even spiked the water."

The boy smirked, "I'm sure he did now that you mention it."

"You know Sirius?" Lily asked trying to figure him out.


"...I'm sorry I know everyone else at this party but I don't know you, which is odd because this is my boyfriend's party." Lily explained.

His cool blue eyes turned onto her, "You're...No. Tell me you're not Lily Evans."

Lily blinked. "Um...I am though."

He laughed, "No! I've known James for years and Remus always tells me he has a thing for a ginger girl named Lily Evans. How the hell did he convince you to go out with him?"

Taken aback, Lily stammered. " was complicated...and um...How do you know James?"

"Pureblood," He answered, "We all used to hang out at all of those pretentious parties when we were younger... I go to Drumstrang. My name is Colton."

Lily shook his hand unsurely. "Well nice to meet you."

James, who was walking by, saw Colton shaking hands with Lily and immediately changed direction. He yelled out, "Hayes!"

Colton smirked and said, "My my Potter, you haven't changed a bit."

"I was a foot shorter and seventy pounds smaller," James scoffed adjusting his glasses.

"I mean you had to gain weight when you grew." Colton teased, "Come mate, try to flex a muscle. Go ahead."

James raised his sleeve and flexed. He didn't have big arms but his arm were toned enough to show a muscle. "Don't be so jealous of my masculinity Hayes."

"I'll try to tone it down." Colton snorted, "I was just talking to your girlfriend about the spiked drinking selection."

"Sirius's doing." James said innocently, though there was a twinkle in his eye when he said it. "How've you been mate?"

"Fine," Colton said lightly, his eyes glancing around the room. "A lot of pretty girls here."

James said, "I haven't noticed." His arm wrapped around Lily.

Colton snorted at that and he looked like he was about to tease James, but then he stopped his eyes catching on someone in the distance. "...Hold up...who is that?"

Lily looked in the direction that he was point and said, " Oh that's just Marlene McKinnon. Seventh year Gryffindor. I'm shocked, if you know James how do you not know her."

"...that's Marley?" Colton said in an exasperated tone. "Wow...she grew up good."

Lily laughed, "Great grammar and yes, Marlene is very pretty...and single."

"She is?" He asked in surprise.

"Yes, now are you wanted by the law, potential Death Eater or a guy that likes to date more than one woman at once?" Lily interrogated, getting straight to the point.

He blinked, "Um,, all of that."

"Then go get her buddy!" Lily pushed him forward, "Have fun!"

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