Into the dark

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The beautiful thing about time is that it may not heal wounds or fix anything really, but it gives people the opportunity to change and grow. Some people chose to take the opportunity and become better people; others just let the chance slip through their fingers.

Sirius left the Potter house, stopping only to kiss Mrs. Potter goodbye, before going out for the night. A few times, she considered talking to him about his nightly pursuits, but once she thought of his age, she stopped herself and just focused on taking care of the other two young adults living in her household.

Just as the sun began it's descent outside, a female voice yelled, "POTTER!...Yo, POTTTER!"

James snorted; he'd been lying back against his bed tossing a Quaffle into the air, shirtless for the past twenty minutes. "Yes?"


Rolling his eyes, he leapt to his feet, tossed the Quaffle aside and walked down the hallway to the room two rooms away from his. He crossed his arms and leaned in the doorway of the recently habited room.

"Yes Commander?" He said wryly.

"I can't reach the top of the dresser," She whined. Dorcas was in some plain shorts and a dark red tank top teetering on the edge of her desk. "Can you help?"

James briskly walked over and without using his legs; he, without any effort, lifted her up off the desk and placed her on the floor. "You're going to break something if you keep doing that."

She rolled her eyes swiping her brown curly bangs out of her face. "Oh fuck off Potter."

"Why are you cleaning and more why without magic?"

"Why are you walking around the house shirtless?" She countered giving his chest an approving nod before smirking. "Lily isn't here you know."

James grinned, "I'm aware."

"Then what's this?" She gestured to him again, "You trying to compete with Black?"

Shaking his head he sat down on her bed. "No, I've just been working out with Mar and she wants me to bulk up for Quidditch."

"Ha!" Dorcas snorted, hiking herself up to sit on the desk. "Quidditch my arse."

James shook his head again, but couldn't keep the amusement off his face. For a month, they'd lived in the same house and they'd hung out, but Dorcas wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what Marlene was up to. Despite whatever personal turmoil Marlene was going through she always managed to have a two-track mind about things. And it was clear that one of those tasks was buffing James out.

Did he look like a male model? No.

His imperfect eyesight, long nose, and naturally thin build and he had a scar along the side of his face, but he was still extremely good looking. Before he was just average good looking, not bad to look at but nothing swoon worthy. Now, in the month since school ended, he had added fifteen pounds of muscle and was really toned. Dorcas had to hand it to him; he was up to Sirius's level now, which was pretty much impossible to get to.

She knew that James had started working out with Mar to spend more time with her and to help her cope, but after a while Dorcas could see he was excited to see the side effects. With anyone else he might have to play sheepish and humble, but Dorcas was the one person who would call him out on that immediately. So he didn't even bother.

"So are you going to go show her your new hot bod?" Dorcas asked wiggling her eyebrows suggestively.

"I've written her."

"Yeah, but you haven't seen her since school let out...Why is that?"

Taking a moment, he laughed and hung his head. "What do you want me to do Dora?"

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