With A Little Help From My Friends

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Remus knew that he had done a lot of things in his life that he wished he could take back. One person that had taken the most from him was undoubtedly Marlene. So when he hadn't seen her around James or Sirius and he noticed Dorcas was looking for her, he decided to go looking for her. Honestly, he didn't think he'd find her. In their time together a lot of the little details about her fell through the cracks, but he did find her and when he did he was glad because she looked like she could use a friend.

She was in the Quidditch stands at the very top by herself. Wrapped in a thick emerald sweater Remus knew was Lily's, Marlene huddled her knees into her chest crying against the cold December weather as she did.

"You shouldn't be out here by yourself." He muttered, his hands in his pockets as he strolled up the aisle to where she was.

"No one ever leaves me alone." She said furiously, not looking at him. "It's infuriating. I'm not a child."

"We know that," He said pushing his short brown hair out of his face.

She frowned, her blue eyes full of remorseful tears. "I'm sorry…I'm not trying to snap at you."

"You have a right to be upset Mar." He told her softly as he sat down a few inches away from her. "No one expects you to just shake off what happened."

"I know that…"

Remus heard the hesitation in her voice. "Then who's bothering you?"

"No one." She lied crisply before deciding to just ask what was bothering her. "I just…is Sirius mad at me?"

"Not that I know of."

"I went to go thank him for helping take care of me and he wasn't there. And every time he sees me enter a room for the past two days he immediately leaves…I don't know why…. And I'm really not excited that I have to go back to class tomorrow."

Remus considered himself for a second before tentatively putting his arm around her hunched tense shoulders. "It will be fine. Lily and I already talked about it and if anyone says anything she will punch them again."

"Wait? What? What do you mean again?" Marlene wondered in confusion.

"She didn't tell you?" Remus grinned proudly, "She socked Jason Locke in the face."

Marlene's sadness vanished as shock took over her face. "She did what?!"

"He was saying some things he shouldn't have been and she punched him."

"I can't…I can't believe that." Marlene laughed under her breath.

"Believe it. I was there. I thought I was going to have to punch him too." He admitted, watching his breath disappear.

"Thank you Remus." She said her eyes tearing up again, this time for a different reason. "I really do appreciate what you did."

"Its not-"

She shook her head her hand reaching for his. "No, it is something. You didn't have to come with them."

"Mar," He said giving her a meaningful look. "No matter what's happened between us…I'd never let anyone hurt you."

A few tears slipped down her cheeks. His grip on her shoulder tightened as she curled around into his chest, her head slipping into the crook of his neck. This was familiar to her, not in a bad way or sexual way, but in a comfortable way. She didn't worry he'd kiss her or that she shouldn't cry in front of him. Instead she just let him stroke her blond hair like he used to, and mumble comforting things into her hairline.

Most of the time Marlene couldn't remember specific moments or seconds when things shifted in her life. It's hard to actually pinpoint a second when something hits you in a way it never has before, but for her and Remus this was one of them. All the resentment and hate she felt for him in the past few months didn't vanish or suddenly not matter. It just came to the point where she felt like if she didn't let it all go she would just hate Remus forever, and Marlene really didn't want to waste all the energy on someone who clearly cared about her. It just wasn't worth it anymore. Marlene instead leaned on her friend and cried, not holding anything back anymore.

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