Kiss Me

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"Lily?" Dorcas called, waving her hand in front of Lily's blank face. Her warm brown eyes were framed perfectly by the dark eyeliner and smoky eyes shadow she had applied only an hour earlier. "Are you alive?"

Lily blinked, pushing her red hair out of her pale face, a small apologetic smile formed on her lips. "Sorry Dora. What's up?"

"You've been out of it for the past twenty minutes!" Dorcas groaned irritably. "Marlene left forever ago, and I've been sitting here silently and it's driving me insane."

"What?" Lily began mockingly adjusting her tie, "You can't stand being quiet for a few minutes?"

Dorcas narrowed her eyes, "Not when you are sitting right next to me and we have a million things we could discuss."

"Fine, what do you want to discuss?" Lily sighed leaning forward and leaning on arm.

"Well first, what were you thinking about for so long?"

Lily shook her head with a smile, to take attention away from the rising color in her cheeks. "Nothing really, just what's coming up this term."

"What like MY BIRTHDAY?" Dorcas proclaimed pointing to her own chest proudly, before crushing Lily into her side.

"Or!" Lily laughed, "My birthday."

Dorcas feigned disappointment, "I suppose that's this month too…"

Smacking Dorcas, she snorted. "You know you are planning to do something for my birthday."

"Did I ever say that?" Dorcas puffed out her chest, and looked away, "I never said such a thing!" Rising to their feet, Dorcas linked arms with Lily and walked with her to Transfiguration.

Along the way Lily nodded and responded to all the right things, but her mind was somewhere else. Once they arrived in class, they settled in their seats and Dorcas struck up a conversation with Peter.

Lily was glad that Dorcas always believed the obvious and rarely looked any deeper. If Dorcas was Marlene, she would have been able to figure out what Lily was thinking about and Lily couldn't have that. Especially considering the fact that Lily couldn't believe she was thinking, what she was thinking.

It seemed insane, it seemed wrong, that for the past day or, if she was going to be honest, the past few weeks, all Lily could think of was what it would have been like if James had kissed her. At first it wasn't that bad, more of a floating thought wandering around her head, but she found ever since she had first seen him on the train ride back, it had escalated to an embarrassing level.

How could she be thing about snogging him? James Potter was…James Potter! He was like a contagious virus that seemed to containment everyone around him into like him. Lily was having a hard time remembering how she hated him for so long and it was slowly, but thoroughly, driving her mad.

There were only two things she could do; she could A) Avoid him, or B) find a way to take away even the possibility of that type of relationship. The first option was out the window immediately. They lived in the same dorm, same house, had all the same classes and shared quite a few friends. It was impossible to stay away from him, even when she used to try she'd run into him in the corridor. So therefore she had try and force their relationship to be platonic. But how the bloody hell was she going to manage that? It wasn't like with Sirius, where every other girl in the castle would kill to be within ten feet of him, but they both weren't attracted to each other. Lily Evans admitted, if only in her head, that she felt…something…resembling attraction to James and that was making everything twice as complicated then it needed to be.

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