maybe im amazed

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At first Lily thought she was imagining the different colored sparks above her and James, but then she saw that they were coming from Sirius and Marlene's wands, and all of the guests were standing with their wands raised in an arch formation. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion, and she looked up and saw James's grinning.

"What are they doing?" Lily asked James nervously, tucking closer to him.

"It's an old wizard tradition."

She laughed, ducking her head, "Oh, okay."

"Alright, Evans?"

"It's Potter now actually."

He beamed, completely captivated with her and interlocked his fingers with hers. Sighing with happiness, he muttered, "I know. I just wanted to hear you say it."

She went up on her tiptoes, tugged down on his sleeve, to bring his lips down upon hers. They nearly forgot to break the kiss; their lips glided together, matching pressure and intensity. His hands curved around wrist and her shoulder, his smile so inescapable that he found himself grinning into her lips. Her reaction was to giggle and that was what broke the kiss, her elated laugh. Their foreheads rested against each other, and they smiled, large uncontrollable smiles, looking into each other eyes and feeling as if no one and nothing could ever mean as much as they would to each other.

"I love you," Lily said, to her husband for the first time.

And James replied proudly, "I love you too."

Then James stepped forward, and him and Lily walked hand in hand down the aisle as their guest let out cheers and let out different colored sparks over their heads.

They huddled together, the pair of them chuckling before they apparated to the reception together with a loud pop.

Marlene let out a heavy sigh, her lips trembling as she starred after where her two best friends just had been. Her big blue eyes damp with happiness, she cleared her throat when Remus came up to her.

"Peter and I are going to make sure everything is all set up if you want to fix yourself before the pictures."

She nodded, "Thanks Remus. Make sure Lily and James don't come in until everything is all set up."

"I will," He said patting her on the shoulder, before gushing for a moment, "It really happened."

"I know," She choked back in laughter, swiping the quelling tears. "I still can't believe it."

Remus grinned and apparated away with Peter following after him. Marlene sighed and was surprised to see Sirius still standing next to her. All of the guests were apparating away one by one, but he looked rather out of place and beside himself. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips were tucked together, like he was trying to understand a particularly hard equation but couldn't understand the variables.

"Are you alright?" She asked eyeing him unsurely.

He nodded, his eyes not quite able to meet hers. "I'm happy for them."


"No but...I just..." He cleared his throat and lowering his voice, "Do you ever think about getting married?"

Marlene shrugged, "Yeah, most people do."

"And what do you think about when you do?"

Again she shrugged, walking back to the room Lily had changed in. "Mostly the reception or the color of the dresses. Rubbish like that...Why?"

Sirius leaned against the doorway as Marlene packed up everything they had left and dug into her make-up bag for her mascara. "I just don't get the whole thing."

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