Slow Dancing In A burning Room

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"You didn't have to stay you know." Remus said blushing slightly as she helped him lay down.

"It's not a deep thing," She shrugged sitting down on the edge of his bed. "By the way while you were out, we worked on three class assignments in Charms and Potions. I finished them and turned them in with your name."

Smiling he said, "Thanks."

"Not a problem." She turned, "Okay, shirt off."

He gave her a look.

"I know you said you were fine, but you might not be able to feel or see if you hurt something." She said simply. "So take off your shirt, and hold the complaints, I'm not leaving until I'm sure you are okay."

Remus gave her a self-conscious look. "Um I'm sure…"

"Lupin, what's the problem? What are you so scared off? I'm not going to purple nurple you."

"You're not going to …what?" He asked in a low exhausted voice.

Dorcas pressed her tongue to the bottom of his top teeth. "Look, if I even the playing field will you stop being such a baby?"

"What do you mean by leveling the playing field?"

"Lupin-!" She let out a cry of frustration.

"Fine! Fine!" He sighed in defeat. "But I warn you, I have scars…" He trailed as she tugged her tie off her head, unbuttoned her blouse and tossed it aside.

Dorcas raised her hands, "Now take off your damn shirt."

Remus's tried to politely look away from her chest. His gentlemen instincts tried to kick in, but they were a bit sluggish. He began to unbutton his white oxford shirt, while she leaned forward and helped shimmy off his crimson and gold tie. Dorcas didn't think anything of it. She didn't notice his pulse race, or see his pace slow down once her chest was eye level with his chest. Out of the Marlene, Lily and her and she was definitely on the smaller side of the chest scale. So it didn't seem like a big deal to her, she was just wearing a low size B bra with blue and white polka dots. Nothing special, but Remus couldn't stop sneaking glances. He didn't know what was wrong with him. Why couldn't he stop himself? He'd been attracted to girls before but usually he could keep it together. What was wrong with him?

Dorcas didn't look at his face while she helped him sit up farther so she could slip his shirt off all the way. He wasn't lying, there were some pretty deep scars running across his torso, but what made her blush was the fact that he wasn't nearly as scrawny as he looked. There was some definite muscle; he was hiding under all the layers of clothes he always wore. She looked at his toned, back and felt his bones to see if anything was tender, but he just had a few bruises, no lasting damage.

"Okay, you seem to be fine. You're probably just still lagging because of the full moon, and that's why you feel so ex…" She helped him move back, but stopped speaking when she caught the way he was looking at her. It took her by surprise, because she hadn't been expecting the lustful look that made his amber eyes darken into brown. "Exhausted," She breathed, finishing her sentence.

He was about to look away. It was clear that he had made her uncomfortable by the surprise on her face. After she had seen his scars he expected her to flinch or back away. She knew what had caused the scars and once she saw them she would run like any person with any kind of sense would. Dorcas was too smart to stay…but she didn't leave. In fact she didn't have any reaction at all other than minor interest. How could she not care? How could she not be bothered by it?

Flushed, Dorcas looked away, "So do you want anything? Like water or a cold towel. I can get the healing solution-"

"How are you okay with this?"

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