Amen omen

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"LILY! COME HERE! I want to talk to you for a bit." Her father called, his voice echoing through the house.

Lily groaned, she had JUST gotten comfortable on her spot on the floor, but regardless she set her newest book aside and went to see what her father wished to speak with her about. Flicking her long hair over her shoulder, she trailed down the stairs and turned to find her father sitting at the kitchen table. He looked rather tired. His brown hair had become grey in the past year, but he was still handsome as ever in his tweed jacket and dress clothes.

"Sit," He instructed gesturing to the seat across from him.

Her eyebrows rose suspiciously as she stiffly dropped into the chair. "...What is it? Why do you look so...serious?"

"As you know your sister is getting married next month."

"Not because she told me," Lily scoffed bitterly, crossing her arms. "But yes I know."

"Well since you are graduating next year and most likely moving in with Dorcas or Marlene, I'm planning on selling the house."

Lily sank into her seat, her face dropping. "What?"

"Lillian," He began soothingly, "I know how attached to this house you are, and I wouldn't dream of moving until after you are out of school, but there is a teaching position available off the coast of Wales for next school year in my department. And with the two of you gone, I'm beginning to think I should try my hand at living more of my life."

The selfish part of her wanted him to take it back. She wanted him to stay here forever as a permanent fixture of her childhood and everything that made her feel safe and whole, but even Lily couldn't think to be that selfish. She was still a teenager, still young and waiting to make countless mistakes, but she wasn't a child anymore. Her father couldn't live here just for her, he needed to start his new life and with the war brewing it wouldn't hurt for him to move away from it all.

Still, she'd miss this house. This was the house she had lived in since she was born, where Petunia was her sister and her family was together for the last time. But she understood where he was coming from and couldn't fault him for wanting to put this all behind him.

"I understand dad," She reached forward and squeezed his hand, "You do whatever makes you happy."

He grinned, and cupped her face with his free hand. "I knew you'd say something like that."

"Well Petunia already snatched the spoiled child card so one of us had to take the tolerant kid card."

Her father wanted to correct her, but he didn't, instead he laughed at her. "So now that that's settled. What are you up to for the rest of the day? Gallivanting around the town with your friends?"

"Probably. I'm excited for our outing this weekend though," She beamed at him.

"Yes, we shall have us a time, going to visit Hampshire." Standing up, he kissed her on the forehead. "I'm off to class. Make sure you check in with me and finish the laundry before you go off on your adventures you hear?"

Lily snorted, "Yes dad."

She watched her father grab his briefcase with his initials on the front with a bemused smile on her face. Then she turned and looked around her kitchen, studying every detail, reflecting on all of her memories before leaving the room. There was still time for her to say goodbye to the house and make some more memories on the way out.

Moving across her living room, she glanced at the pictures on the mantelpiece and sighed when her eyes landed on the picture of her and her mum before she died. Sticking her hands in her pockets, her bare feet moved across the carpeted living room floor, stopping in front of the fireplace. Her fingers traced over the frame, and she let out a little sigh. If her mother were still alive her father would have never thought to sell the house. If her mother were alive she would be celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary with her father. Lily often wondered what her mother would think of the person she had become and whether she would be proud of her or not.

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