i almost do

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"Mr. Potter?" McGonagall addressed him softly, "If you could please come with me, you are needed the Headmaster's office.

"Alright," He said hesitantly sending Dorcas an anxious look. James stood up and whispered in her ear. "I'm so screwed!" Before trailing behind McGonagall with a distressed look on his face.

24 Hours Earlier....

"You have to be shitting me." Dorcas gasped at Esmee.

Esmee snorted, running a hand through her choppy sleek black hair. "I'm not."

"How did you let your sister go her whole life without waking up with her face in a toilet?" Dorcas asked Cas. "Isn't that in the sibling handbook or something?"

"And that's why you aren't allowed to have siblings." Marlene said with a hint of smile.

"After the game tonight," Dorcas pointed to Cas and Marlene, "We are getting Esmee fucked up."

"You are still on thin ice with Lily for the party. Do you really want to test her?"

Dorcas scowled at the memory. "Look, it wasn't like I could invite her. I was trying to give an alibi."

"That doesn't change how pissed she's going to be."

She groaned, her thin eyebrows puckering together in deep thought. "Okay, last time she was pissed because A) She caught us. B) I was really obvious."

"How do you plan on fixing those things?"

"Well if we leave during the game..."

"Then I'm out." Marlene pointed out. "And Esmee and Cas probably want to watch their brother get his arse kicked."

Cas gave Marlene a look, leaning back in her chair. "Watch it McKinnon. I might think you are under the delusion that Gryffindor is going to win."

"You are a Huffle-puff!" Marlene scoffed tossing her arms up in the air.

"Yeah I still support Ravenclaw over Gryffindor."

Esmee hushed them, putting a finger to her lips. "Guys, the library isn't exactly a eavesdrop free zone, so keep your voices down."

"The point is." Dorcas began, in a quieter but firm tone. "We need to do this. Let's face it, we aren't getting any younger here and pretty soon we won't even be able to leave our dorms with escort. SO, we need this."

"I'm in." Sirius declared sitting down in the empty chair next to Cas.

"You don't even know what it is Black." Dorcas said, narrowing her brown eyes at him.

Sirius smirked at her. "Doesn't matter Meadowes. Sounds like it involves a dash of danger and that's what I like in my life."

"...leach." Dorcas muttered under her breath darkly, before sighing and saying, "Fine Black, you can come, but then you have to help us with a problem."

"Which is?"

"Lily and James."

Sirius gave her a condescending look. "That's not a problem."

"That easy? I thought James was like your brother," Cas said bluntly, "You don't think he can see through you?"

"I happen to know tonight he and Lily Evans are on patrol together. So they will be too busy making sure everyone else is staying out of trouble to notice us."

Marlene frowned. "I thought they set it up so they wouldn't have to work together...ever."

"Well I had Olivia Philabee pretend to be sick and convinced the other prefects that they should lie and say they can't do it. So James would have to fill in."

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