fall away

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Lily snuggled into James side, her green eyes flickering back and forth to the eight people in front of her. The teams were Marlene, Remus, Esmee and Peter against Sirius, Dorcas, Everett and Cas. The game changed every hour. They started with Wizards Chess tournaments, next Exploding Snap, then Gobstones, but that began to make the Head compartment smell so they switched back to Exploding Snap.

Originally both Lily and James played, but after Gobstones they both wordlessly agreed they'd rather just hang back and watch their friends play. They were right; it was hilarious to watch Dorcas and Marlene get competitive with one another. Occasionally Sirius and Remus would try to go with one another, but they often became too catty and would piss the other one off. Marlene and Dorcas on the other hand knew exactly how to be playful enough to toe the line without breaking it.

"Mind if I play?" Alice asked lingering in the doorway.

Without turning around, Dorcas snatched Alice's wrist and tugged her to the floor. "Come on Prewett, you can be on my team."

"Woah wait," Marlene stopped her, "Why do you get Alice?"

Dorcas's eyebrows rose, "You think you deserve her?"

"I think we should at least fight for her or decide fairly..."

Alice tucked her lips back. "I can't tell if you two are joking or not."

"They are and they aren't." Lily answered. "How are things with you Alice?"

Alice sighed, "Well I have an interview with the Auror department next month."

"That's exciting!" Lily gushed.

"I'm just nervous..." Alice said sheepishly, her brown hair falling into her pale face. "There isn't really a long standing tradition of them taking females, especially now..."

Dorcas gave her a reassuring nudge. "I'm sure you'll be fine. You have that Gryffindor endurance-"

Cas scoffed.

Dorcas shifted around Alice to glower at Cas. "You want to go Badger?"

Cas smirked, her dark eyes twinkling. "We both know I can kick your ass."

"Has yet to be proven Cooper." Dorcas shot back, her body shifting back to lean against the compartment door.

"Anyway," Marlene interjected, her eyes on Alice. "That's great Alice. I'm sure you'll get it."

Alice smiled at her, her round face glowing with pride. "Thanks."

"Haven't you been engaged for like ...ever?" Sirius asked smoothly.

Alice giggled exposing the dimples in her cheeks. "For a year."

"When I'm I going to get that wedding invite Prewett? I need to clear my date schedule."

"So he can shag all of the single women at your wedding." Remus said under his breath.

Sirius put a hand to his chest in offense. "That's not true!...Of course I will go after the taken women too!"

"Christ," Dorcas rolled her eyes, shaking her head. "Do you have any shame Black?"

"Are you saying you've never snogged a taken man?"

Dorcas flushed guiltily. "No, I'm saying I never went out of my way to do so."

"Well that is the everlasting difference between us Meadowes. I'm proud of all of my endeavors where as you like to sweep yours under the rug like they never existed."

"If you want to be proud of being a walking sexually transmitted disease, go for it." Dorcas said, unfazed by his jab.

"Hey I have an idea, why don't you two go get snacks for everyone?" Remus suggested pushing Sirius up to his feet.

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