Man Up

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Lily pouted, looking remarkably like a five-year-old as she stood in her own doorway.

"I wish you didn't have to go."

Dorcas smiled at Lily.

"I promised Pete I'd show up, and since Marlene isn't going anywhere near it I have to."

"Still, you know you don't have to go home afterwards. My dad said it was cool if you wanted to stay the rest of the summer."

"I appreciate that," Dorcas told her, "I really do, but I shouldn't punish my dad for my mum being mad. But thanks for having me; I would have had a bloody boring summer if I had stayed home."

Lily hesitated before running over and throwing her arms around Dorcas. Dorcas's smile grew, her brown eyes warm as she held the tiny ginger girl. Her heart sank a bit at the thought of leaving Lily with her awful sister, but she had to go. She couldn't avoid her problems any longer, and it was time for her to finally face them head on. After tightening her grip on Lily for a minute, Dorcas pulled away and threw her bag over her shoulder.

"I'll see you in a month, Lils. Give Petunia hell for me."

Lily nodded as she walked with Dorcas to the door. "I will… How are you getting there, anyhow?"

"I think Mr. Potter is picking me up."

A weird unfamiliar feeling bubbled up in Lily's stomach as they opened the front door. Maybe it was the dream she had the night before, but the thought of meeting James Potter's father unnerved her a bit. She had never seen any member of his family and couldn't help but wonder what they would be like.

Then Dorcas walked to the door to find Mr. Potter waiting on the sidewalk, looking rather amusedly at Lily's neighbor who was mindlessly cutting his grass. At first Lily was struck by his resemblance to his son. He had the same smirk, which seemed to be indented into his face naturally, like he always had something to be proud about. And of course the same wild black hair, except his was severely graying. Dorcas walked over to the man and shook his hand politely. It wasn't forced, but Lily imagined that if it were Marlene, she would have hugged him.

"Mr. Potter, I'd like you to meet Lily Evans."

His brown eyes lit up at the mention of her name just like his son's did, but for him it was out of recognition instead of enthusiastic interest. Harold Potter took a few steps forward and put his hand out to shake hers.

"So you are the girl my son constantly talks about."

"I'm sure he has exaggerated…a lot," she said, blushing a deep scarlet as she shook his hand.

"No, he was perfectly right. You are stunning. I'm glad my son hasn't fallen for someone of less than decent taste. It was nice to meet you," he said as he turned towards Dorcas. "Are you ready?"

She nodded, her curls bouncing.

"Yes, Mr. Potter. Bye Lily!"

They disapparated with a loud crack. Standing in her driveway, he looked over and saw her neighbor cutting his grass while whistling a tune aloud. She wondered how he hadn't seen Mr. Potter apparate, but then again, maybe he used magic to sure no one would be able to see it.

Lily waved, though she was blind-sided by confusion. She didn't know what she was expecting, but as she saw Mr. Potter leave with Dorcas, she knew that Mr. Potter wasn't at all what she thought he'd be. He was straightforward like James, but there were less theatrics about it. Mr. Potter seemed to say what he needed to say and leave it at that. Not only was she caught off guard by how matter-of-factly he had referred to her as stunning, but also that he honestly looked like he believed that his son truly fancied her.

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