The World At Large

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Marlene McKinnon stood in the Potter's backyard, her light blue bridesmaids dress reaching just below her knees. Her sunny blonde hair was tied back, and her face was all business as she looked around the area, making sure everything was perfect; it had to be today. Her eyes caught onto a figure sauntering towards her with an arrogant smirk.

Marlene snorted, "You would wear a silver suit."

"It matches my eyes," he said as he batted his eyelashes, his arms slung around the back of her waist. "And it works well with your dress…which also matches your eyes, Ms. McKinnon."

"You're an idiot."

"Yes," he swooped down and kissed her soundly, silencing any other complaints she could make for a moment, "but I don't have time, otherwise I'd rip that lovely dress off you right here and now."

Blushing, she pushed his chest lightly.

"Go check on James. I'm sure he's having a panic attack."

"Well can you blame him? He's been in love with her for ages."

"In that case, as acting Maid of Honor, I will go check on Lily…I can't believe soon she'll be Mrs. James Potter."

Marlene inhaled sharply as Lily shook her awake. "You better wake up. McGonagall just walked in."

Blinking, Marlene looked around the room and let out slow breaths to calm herself. It was just a dream…a weird, impossible dream. Across the way, Marlene saw Dorcas passed out on the side of the window and Lily was going over the notes from her book. For a moment she paused, remembering her dream perfectly, but the longer she was awake the more her dream faded. And soon she remembered nothing at all.

"Mate, I can't believe you're ditching us for some bird," Sirius sighed again on the other side of the room.

Remus snorted, "Padfoot, you need to learn how to share. It's only for one night, and James is not just yours."

"That's a blatant lie," Sirius scoffed. "Let's be honest. Let's make this as honest as possible. This man would be nothing without me."

James rolled his eyes adjusting his glasses as he did so.

"You have that backwards, mate."

"Does it really matter?" Sirius said haughtily. "Either way, no woman can get in between this magic."

"And yet," Remus smirked cheekily, "one will be tonight."

Sirius pouted, "I don't like it. One night turns into two, and before we know it she's sitting with us…like a leech."

James reached his long arm over and ruffled Sirius's shaggy silky black hair like he would a dog.

"You'll be alright."

"And you're taking that tart, Sylvia Ledger, out…"

Peter piped up, "She's not a tart. You just don't like her because she turned you down mate."

"I believe Pete has you there, Padfoot," Remus agreed.

Sirius leaned far back in his seat, so the back pegs of his chair were off the ground, nearing the line of danger, but not crossing it. He sat in his usual seat next to James in the middle of the class, while Remus and Peter sat right in front of them.

"You two are just jealous because you are always stuck with each other," Sirius shot back as McGonagall finished handing out their first exam of the year.

"I still can't believe she gave us these in the first week," Peter whined holding his exam in agony. "I didn't even get a chance to pretend to study."

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