All alright

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Dorcas didn't know how she was going to bring this up to Lily. This wasn't a problem Dorcas would or should ever have. Lily was the type to freak out and not know how to handle a situation. Then after Lily stopped hyperventilating and talking about it, Dorcas would tell her the facts and Lily would come up with a plan with a solution to her own problem. It was simple.

Dorcas was supposed to be the one that always was in control and never needed to be told to clam down. But this time, she was the one who was nervous. This time she needed to be the one to be reeled in and told if she was right, wrong or just mad. Her head was literally spinning, and she just needed her friend to check her paper and tell her if she was crazy or not.

"Lily," Dorcas fidgeted in the doorway, "Um...I kind of...Well...I ..."

Lily furrowed her eyebrows. "What is it...and why are you all twitchy?"

"Um...So Remus...he..." She let out a large sigh, biting her lip, "Okay he asked me if I want to go the last Quidditch game as like...a date, because...well he asked me to be his girlfriend."

"WHAT?!" Lily exclaimed, launching up and rushing over to her friend. She grabbed Dorcas by the shoulders, "HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN HAPPENING?!"

Dorcas blinked in surprise, "Uh...I don't know? He asked me a few days ago and I just...I wasn't sure if it was a sure thing..."

Lily paused, a look of uncertainty on her face. " cleared this with Mar right?"

"He asked her for permission." Dorcas blushed, shrinking slightly under Lily's gaze.

"THIS IS SO GREAT!" Lily yelled pulling Dorcas into a hug, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Yeah! It is," Dorcas agreed, but she snatched Lily and forced her to stay still. Her tiny tan face was fixed with fear. "But, you forget. I've never been on a date. I have absolutely no idea what I'm doing."

Lily scoffed and gave Dorcas a look. "It's REALLY not that hard. I'm sure you'll be-"

"Lily," Dorcas grabbed her friends face, "You are not listening. I have never done this before. I need help. I'm terrified."

"Okay," Lily muttered, taking her friend a bit more seriously. "Okay. You are nervous, but you shouldn't be. You are Dorcas Meadowes, and if anyone should be confident about going on a date it's you. You are smart, strong and gorgeous. Remus Lupin is lucky that you are giving him the time of day."

Dorcas smiled, sighing, "Thank you for that, but I mean...What do we Do I hold his hand? Do we kiss at the end? ...What the hell do we talk about? I just...This isn't my area and just...UGH! This is killing me."

"Well it really isn't mine either. I've had a few boyfriends, and gone on a few dates over the years, but I'm not expert...Here's the thing I don't think anybody really is." Lily said with a shrug, "The thing is, just go with whatever feels natural. You are going to be nervous, but...nothing I can say will fix that, because it's based on how you feel. Which isn't controllable and that sucks, but there's nothing we can do about that."

This was so weird for Lily. She was always the idiot, that made everyone else think she had it together and Dorcas was always the one who really was calm and collected and was good at everything. Over the past few months, Lily had given up trying to make people think she had it together, because she really didn't have it together at all and Dorcas...Dorcas finally had let go of her past. With the sun lighting up Dorcas's face, Lily saw a happier person, a person willing to give something a chance even if it terrified her and she couldn't be happier about that.

"Look, would it make it easier. If I went to the game and sat a row or two away from you? That way if you get nervous you can just look over at me?"

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