that's all

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Waking up early, James shifted in his sleep and forced himself to move, but he had a problem. His arms were still curled around Lily's sleeping form, and she was so close he was afraid he would wake her. Her hands were lightly holding his, her body resting back against his chest; his comforter over them both, though neither of them needed it.

He couldn't help himself; he kissed the top of her head and hugged her closer to him. She stirred and took his arms underneath her own. "...what time is it?"

"Early, I have to go to practice."

"Okay," She mumbled kissing his arm tenderly, not releasing him.

He chuckled softly, his breaths tickling her neck. "I can't go if you don't let go of me."

"Then I guess they will have to just get a new chaser...and captain."

"Then we will lose the cup."

Lily giggled, "Too bad." James pecked at her neck playfully until she said, "Fine, fine, go. But remind Sirius he needs to catch Peter up on Transfiguration after practice. Mar and I tried, but I think he needs a more aggressive teacher."

"Aggressive? Sirius?" James snorted giving her one last kiss. "I can't imagine why you would think that."

"Yeah," She muttered, "It's not like he broke every trophy in the trophy room last week because he was mad at Marlene."

James sighed, slipping out of the bed and pulling on his Quidditch gear. "I talked to him about it already... He's better."

"I think he regrets it. He hasn't been able to look at Marlene since then."

"As he should, because he knows what happens if he does. I warned him, Lily... You would think after what happened he would know better."

Lily turned over, to look at James. "This is Sirius we are talking about, and I think he had a momentary relapse."

"What for?"

"We're leaving soon, and though everyone else had filled out their applications and buckled down, I haven't seen him even glance at a job pamphlet."

James frowned, "I know. I don't know what he's planning to do. He's been cross about it every time Moony or I bring it up."

"I'll talk to him, when I watch over his detention tomorrow." Lily yawned, cuddling into his pillow. "He will come around."

James reached to grab his broom, but he paused, his eyes fixed on her pale, freckled make-up less face. Her emerald eyes always stood out on her face, but just then he had a hard time pulling away from her. She wasn't a knock out to anyone else. He'd heard boys call her beautiful and pretty, but never stunning and gorgeous. Perhaps that was because they didn't see what he was seeing; her pale skin, her bright hair, her...everything.

Rushing over to her, he jerked her forward and kissed her deeply. Lily did not protest, though she did laugh a bit in surprise. When he pulled away, she was looking at him oddly.

"What the hell was that for?"

"Because I love you..." He pulled away, and grabbed his broom, "I'll see you later."

"I might still be here." Lily said closing her worn eyes, "I love your bed."

James grinned, "Good."

He had an hour before practice started, but Lily didn't know that. She also didn't know that he had a plan and that it had everything to do with her. Lily was just asleep soundly in his bed and that image carried him through the castle and all the way down to Hagrid's hut.

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