What hurts the most

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Marlene turned and was surprised to see Remus up and walking around...especially when she saw how hard he was trying to hide the grin that seemed to be fighting to spread across his tired face.

He asked, "Are you headed to the Great Hall?"

"Yeah..." She began suspiciously, "Why? How are you?"

"I got a nap in." He shrugged as they both started walking down the stairs, "I just fancied a chat with you."

Marlene didn't like the sound of this. Sure they had grown away from being exes and into actual friends, but she had never seen him like this and she couldn't think of a single reason he would be like this. To be perfectly honest she didn't even know what 'this' was because by all accounts Remus should be surely and mad that he got his arse beat in front of a crowd full of people, most of which who did nothing to stop it. But instead he seemed to be...like emulating light.

"Uh...Okay." She said uncertainly, pushing her long golden hair out of her face. "...What's...up?"

"I...Okay...So I know we broke up a while ago-"

Marlene tensed up and cringed. "I really don't like where this is headed..."

"Hear me out," Remus said as they stopped in front of the Great Hall. He had no idea how his speech sounded. He assumed Marlene just didn't want him to date Dorcas, and he was determined to make her see it his way. His amber eyes hardened on her, "I fancy Dorcas, and I'd like to go out with her, but in order to do so I need your blessing."

Marlene blinked rapidly, unable to process his words fast enough.

"So," Remus began, "What do you think?"

"You...and Dorcas?" She asked slowly, using hand gestures.

He nodded, his usually neatly combed brown hair falling into his forehead. "...Yes."

"I think it's perfect," Marlene cooed, ecstatically once she caught up, "I love it!"

Remus observed her carefully, putting his hands on her shoulders, "Are you absolutely sure?"

"Yes!" She beamed. "I am sure! You two would be so cute together! Oh I'm SO glad that's what you want to tell me! You had me freaked out for a second there!"

He nodded with the grin he'd been trying to hide. "I'm really happy Mar...I didn't expect this."

"Well that's the thing about Dorcas. She kind of sneaks up on you." Marlene gave him a smile, before throwing her arms around him to hug him tightly. "THIS IS SO GREAT!"

Remus laughed, "A little looser Mar, I'm still sore."

"Oh! Sorry," She apologized releasing him, "Where's Dora? We need to tell her immediately!"

"I think she's back in the dorm. She said she was going to get dinner later."

"Yeah," Marlene grinned, "With-you! Come on!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him towards the staircase.

Remus laughed, a throaty open laugh. "Wow, okay, but let's walk a little slower okay?"

"Sorry," She laughed, "I'm just...I'm really happy for you two," Marlene gushed, "I like happy endings."

"We're seventeen, and we have yet to go on a single date." Remus reminded her, with a chuckle, "And already you're planning our wedding."

Marlene linked arms with him and made a grand gesture with her right arm. "I'm thinking coral for the bridesmaids dresses..."

Lily sat down next to James in Potions the next day and found that he was still fazing her out. For the first ten minutes it didn't bother her, because frankly she was too busy taking notes to notice, but when she did...it broke her heart. He didn't look at her, his uneven jaw line was jilted upward, and he was leaning back in his chair, his arms lank, but his hands were curled into fists.

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